Lakes-list and PPNW


The "lakes-list" is aimed at sharing information about lakes, reservoirs and physical limnology

The list was set up on July 2014 after the 17th International Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters (PPNW2014) held in Trento, 1-4 July 2014, by Marco Toffolon (University of Trento, Italy).

To subscribe: send an email to with subject "SUBSCRIBE lakes".

You will receive an email requiring a confirmation. Pay attention to the anti-spam filter of your account: check that the confirmation message is not automatically moved to a “spam” folder.

When you are a registered user, you can send messages to the entire list simply writing to It might happen that you do not receive your own message, although it is successfully forwarded to the list.

For any problem, please contact 


Physical Processes in 

Natural Waters


More info on the series of Workshops on Physical Processes in Natural Waters (PPNW):

Next edition: University of Girona (Spain), July 1-5th, 2024