Marco Toffolon, Ph.D.

Professor of Hydraulics

Director of the BSc and MSc degrees in Environmental Engineering

Deputy Director for International Relations at DICAM


Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
University of Trento  (DICAM)
via Mesiano 77, 38123 Trento, Italy
Phone:  +39 0461 28 2480
Fax:  +39 0461 28 2672
Office: 3rd floor, south-west side
institutional webpage:

Head of the new Physical Limnology Laboratory (PhyLL) at DICAM

GIAMT: Group of Environmental Hydraulics and Morphodynamics - Trento

ORCID: 0000-0001-6825-7070  

ResearchGate: link

Scopus - Author Identifier: 15726734900   

Web of Science - Researcher ID: D-4845-2011  

Google Scholar: link