
The main program of the meeting includes Show&Tell Sessions. Demonstrations and poster presentations are intended as a forum for showcasing the state of the art in Multimedia Signal Processing. Please check the Call for Demos and the Call for Posters for details.

Call for Demos

Dec 30, 2023: one-page abstract

Jan 10, 2024: notification of acceptance


The presenters will have the opportunity to share research ideas and scientific or engineering contributions with the community, and to discuss scientific results, working multimedia systems, applications, prototypes, or proof-of-concepts. Such a setting allows meeting attendants to view and interact first hand with live evidence of innovative solutions and ideas in the field of multimedia, and to see leading edge research at work. Demonstrators will be provided with a desk, power outlet, and (shared) wireless Internet. Demo presenters are expected to bring with them everything else needed for their demo, such as hardware, laptops, sensors, PCs, etc.

***  Best Student Demo Award: 500€  ***
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Call for Posters

Dec 30, 2023: one-page abstract

Jan 10, 2024: notification of acceptance


The presenters will have the opportunity to share research ideas and scientific contributions with the community, and to discuss latest results. Contributions will be in the form of a printed poster.

Recommended poster size: A0 portrait