
Hotel reservation

Hotel reservation site here

Hotel Garden

Room availability:

Room availability is guaranteed before Dec. 30. It is highly recommended to meet the deadline due to peak season hotel availability.

Reservation can be done for a minimum stay of two nights from 21 to 23 January, 2024 and covers Bed & Breakfast service. Lunches and dinners are not included.

If you intend to extend your staying, please contact Paganella Dolomiti Booking in order to check hotel availability.

Check-in at the hotel is scheduled from 3.00 pm on the day of arrival

Check-out of the hotel room is expected by 10.00 am on the day of departure

Extras will be paid at the hotel upon departure by each individual participant.


PAYMENTS: payment for the entire stay must be made in Euros directly on the web at the time of hotel booking via Visa or Mastercard credit card.

Free cancellation until 30 December days before the event.