Optical Instruments

Predict Engine is a path tracer : its algorithm computes the illuminance incoming at every single point on the surface of objects in a 3D scene. Different optical instruments can be used to convert this illuminance into a 2D image.

Default cameras

In Unity, optical instruments are necessarily represented with a Camera component (see the Unity interface overview for details on the Unity components) that defines the model of a digital camera. Without additional settings, a Predict Engine camera will be generated automatically from this component using the default settings defined in the preferences : see the Preferences section for more details.

Predict Engine cameras

In Predict Engine, optical instruments can be digital cameras, photometers, radiometers, polarimetric sensors, Bayer sensors,... Such optical instruments can be defined by adding the UVR Camera Settings component to a Camera component.

The UVR Camera Settings component defines :

Scene rendered using a Predictive Engine camera of type "Photographic". The scene is made of a cube covered with a white matte material, and an IES light emitting from the little square luminaire visible near the ceiling.

Additional camera settings are available if you enable the Expert Mode.

Default optical instruments can be instantiated in the scene via the “GameObject/PredictSuite/Optical Instrument”  menu. 

Predict Engine physical sensors (Beta)

Using Predict Engine, you can also compute and visualize what a physical sensor would perceive (a plane defined by a geometry in the scene). Physical sensors are defined by the UVR Physical Sensor component

The UVR Physical Sensor component must be placed on a geometry GameObject (GameObject with Mesh Renderer and Mesh Filter components). It should not be placed on a GameObject with a Camera component. 

The UVR Physical Sensor component defines :

Same scene as above, rendered using a Physical sensor of type "Photometric" placed on the bottom plane. The value is visualized in false colours on the Y channel. The left image is the output of the sensor, the right image is the visualization of the sensor plane in the Unity view.

The mesh used on the Mesh Filter should be the Unity default Plane, its dimension is 10x10 units, in the scene scale. If you need to use a different geometry for the sensor, make sure the geometry is planar (height = 0), centred on (0,0,0) in the geometry reference, and facing the Y axis. That means if you load it inside Unity and keep its Transform to identity, it should be positioned at (0,0,0) in Unity, facing the up axis.

When using the Predict Engine renderer view to visualize the output of a UVR Physical Sensor, the picking mode is not available when visualizing the sensor inside the Unity view.

Additional camera settings are available if you enable the Expert Mode.