The research group

MINDS (seMiotics, logIc, computer scieNce, Devices and pSycology)  is a research group based at the University of Teramo (Italy) aimed at bridging together disciplines ranging from (applied) Logic and Computer Science, to Semiotics and Psychology. The main goal is to provide interdisciplinary analysis of communication processes related to knowledge, digital culture and new media

MINDS aims to investigate, from a multidisciplinary and application-oriented perspective, subjects of prominent importance for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Communication Sciences. Formal Epistemology and Knowledge Representation, Cognitive Sciences, Applied semiotics for media content analysis, and Information Theory are all examples in point. The overall target is to deepen the understanding of Communication as a strategic means in different contexts and from different perspectives, in view of its essential role in the development of human facilities,  cultures and societies. 

The core research topics of MINDS include but are not confined to 

Among distinct aspects of MINDS there are teamwork practice and cooperative research. MINDS’ events include regular meetings, the organization of reading and research seminars, and, more in general, dissemination activities aimed at increasing the impact of the research, and gaining consensus around MINDS’ projects.

Coordinator: Raffaele Mascella