Design & Make - Peat Pot Planter

MYP Design Orientation Skill Building Challenge

A culture of emphasis on workplace safety and well-developed technical skills allows for student agency in design projects.

Design Specification


Station A - Mark out model

Station B - Assemble model

Creating Parts

Station A - Marking out main parts

Station B - Cut peat pot hole

Station C - Cut plant holder main parts

Station D - Sanding for length 


Station A - Mark out dowel joint holes on planter legs

Station B - Cut dowel joint holes planter legs

Station C - Cut dowel joint holes planter top 

Station D - Glue and clamp


Station A - Sand by hand

Station B - Oil

Station C - Plant your seeds

Put to use

Friday Thank Yous

Planning Drawing

Develop an orthographic projection of the final product.

Your drawing must:


Introduction to Isometric to Orthographic Projections


Common mistakes in orthographic projection drawings:

Common mistakes shading with Copic (alcohol-based) markers: