Beat the Boredom Blues for a Good Cause with J4JH

J4JH and the Philippine Red Cross

During Humanities, our class learned about the typhoons that hit the Philippines in October and November 2020. The typhoons were called Super Typhoon Rolly (Category 5) and Typhoon Ulysses (Category 4). We saw the damage that the typhoons caused and we knew that we had to do something.

You can learn about these terrible typhoons too. Just click the links below. But caution - these videos contain images that young children (and others) may find distressing.

After some discussion we decided that we wanted to donate money to help the people in the Philippines affected by the typhoons, and we decided to donate to Philippine Red Cross because they were already doing so much. For example, The Red Cross will use the money we donate to buy supplies and food for the people in the Philippines who lost their homes or were displaced by the natural hazard. Click here to read more about what the Philippine Red Cross is doing to help people.

Why did we create "How to... videos"?

During this time when we cannot freely play and connect to each other it's easy to feel bored...really, really bored! So to help everyone beat the boredom blues we thought we would create some interesting videos to share our interests, skills and knowledge with you. We hope you like our videos and learn something new!

We would love to see a photo of you with your new creation. So, if you make something please ask an adult to email our teacher, Mrs Hiebl at to share a photo.

Please donate:

After visiting our site, please ask an adult in your home if you can donate some money to the Philippine Red Cross. Every dollar counts.

Where do I donate?

Please visit our site on the UNIS website to donate. We kindly ask that you donate through the UNIS website, rather than directly to the Red Cross so we can keep track of all donations and share the total with you at the end of our action.

When does the action finish?

Families can donate anytime from Friday 12 February - Friday 23 April, 2021.

All the students in J4JH thank you for your support. And we hope you enjoy our videos.

By Laila and Jonathan

4/24/2021- Please note we are no longer taking donations through our website. If you would like to donate to the Philippine Red Cross, please visit their website.

Super Typhoon Goni (locally known as Typhoon Rolly) made its first landfall close to Bato, Catanduanes (Bicol Region) on November 1, 2020. Click on the map to see where this is.

Typhoon Ulysses (also known as Typhoon Vamco) hit Luzon hardest from November 11 to 12, 2020. Click on the map to see where this is.

Here are some photos of J4JH in action!

This website was created by Avery, Camila and Elena with help from Ms. Zammarano and Ms. Hiebl.