Federico's webpage

A theory of ``special functions" and ``periods" emerged in the framework of function fields of positive characteristic after the early works of Carlitz in the 1930s and later, in the hands of Anderson, Goss, Hayes, Thakur and others. In this theory, the role of the ring of relative numbers, prominent in the classical arithmetic theory, is played by the ring A=k[T] with k a finite field; in other words, the ring of polynomials in an indeterminate T with coefficients in a finite field k. Instead of the real line, one then looks at the ``Carlitz line", that is, the local field completion of the fraction field of A with respect to the infinite place. One of the most important features available here is the possibility to see all our modules as k-vector spaces. My interest in these topics began around 2005. The first transcendental special function ever considered in this framework is the Carlitz exponential function. Later, the theory was developed along lines parallel to the classical theory of ``special functions" and ``periods," including, for instance, zeta- and L-functions, modular forms, Galois representations, etc. In most developments, the analogy real line/Carlitz line is assumed to be a basic point of view. All I did since then, is to try to overcome this analogy which I find superficial, looking for more significative and deeper structures. 

Recent stuff

N. Green, F. Pellarin. Non-commutative factorizations of higher sine functions in positive characteristic. In progress.

F. Pellarin. Carlitz operators and higher polylogarithm identities. Preprint 2023. hal-04125119v1. To appear in Proc. London Math. Soc. 2025

F. Pellarin. The analytic theory of vectorial Drinfeld modular forms, to appear in Memoirs AMS, 177 pages. arXiv:1910.12743.

K. Chung, T. Ngo Dac and F. Pellarin. Universal families of Eulerian multiple zeta values in positive characteristic. Adv. in Math. 422, 109003 (2023)  arXiv:2111.06973.

Editorial boards:

Managing Editor of the Journal of Number Theory

Associate Editor of Research in Number Theory

Associate Editor of Confluentes Mathematici

Some forthcoming activities:

2025-2 17th MSJ-SI `Developments of multiple zeta values'

2025-06 Rencontres Arithmétiques de Caen (p-adic and modulo-p aspects).


2024-9 8th Number Theory Meeting in Torino

2024-8 Third JNT Biennial conference, Cetraro (poster)

2024-7 (23-24/7/2024) I co-organized, with M. Papanikolas, M. Papikian and T. Ngo Dac, a two-days special session during the 2nd Joint Meeting co-organized by the Unione Matematica Italiana (UMI) and the American Mathematical Society (AMS). The session also has a unofficial webpage with program, slides etc. see here.

2024-12 Corso di Dottorato del Prof. Francesco Amoroso: Introduzione alla teoria delle altezze. Giorni: 2-5 dicembre

10-13 dicembre

2024-12 Esame finale di dottorato di Giacomo Hermes Ferraro (Sapienza) Sala di Consiglio, Dipartimento di Matematica Guido Castelnuovo. 

“Functional identities of certain zeta-like functions associated to Drinfeld A-modules”

Old things

Ph. Students

Quentin Gazda (Saint-Etienne 2018-2021)

Giacomo Hermes Ferraro (Rome 2021-2024) 

If you want to download a complete list of papers click here

A CV is available here