News Archive

10/2023 - Metamaterials are attracting increasing attention due to their ability to support novel and engineerable functionalities, including exotic electromagnetic and transport properties not available in natural systems. One of their notable advantages lies in the possibility of manipulating electromagnetic radiation on a sub-wavelength scale, seeking field concentration and improved optical transmission. Consequently, highly localized fields on an engineered interface are useful for the development of nanophotonic sensing devices in different electromagnetic spectral regions.  Recently, our group in collaboration with IIT studied a phononic metamaterial composed of Si3N4 membranes patterned with a periodic lattice of micrometric size holes. We engineered its optical response by demonstrating that the coupling between the incoming electromagnetic wave with an optical Si3N4 phonon triggers an extraordinary optical transmittance (EOT) effect in the technological important infrared spectral region. The EOT effect was studied by combining state-of-the-art spatially resolved nanoscale infrared measurements with electromagnetic simulations, revealing the formation of a surface phonon polariton excitation that mediates the transmittance enhancement.

09/2023 - A comparative IR study of viral S1 proteins from MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 is presented in the paper Secondary Structures of MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2 Spike Proteins Revealed by Infrared Vibrational Spectroscopy, recently published on International Journal of Molecular Sciences.  S1 conformation was investigated for MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2 at serological pH by measuring their Amide I infrared absorption bands. The SARS-CoV-2 S1 secondary structure revealed a strong difference compared to those of MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV, with a significant presence of extended β-sheets. Furthermore, the conformation of the SARS-CoV-2 S1 showed a significant change by moving from serological pH to mild acidic and alkaline pH conditions. Both results suggest the capability of infrared spectroscopy to follow the secondary structure adaptation of the SARS-CoV-2 S1 to different environments. This work was funded by the NATO Science for Peace and Security Program under grant No. 5889 “SARS-CoV-2 Multi-Messenger Monitoring for Occupational Health & Safety (SARS 3M)”, and FISR2020 “Monitoraggio multi-messaggero e di apprendimento automatico di SARS-CoV-2 per la salute e la sicurezza sul lavoro (4M SARS-CoV-2)”

04-05/07/2023 - We are now pleased to announce the workshop DEUPAS "Ultrasensitive monitoring of VOCs and pathogens by spectroscopy - Innovative solutions and sensor systems for air-quality monitoring'', which will be held on July 4th-5th, 2023, in Frascati at INFN - National Laboratories. Here, the results of the project DEUPAS will be presented. In these two days, we will take stock of the criticalities and will discuss potential innovative solutions and technological  advances in environmental monitoring, spanning from air-quality to environmental pollution. Researchers and experts will share their results and will compare with the Authority demand and the industrial reality of the territory.

17-18/11/2022 - The technological roadmap of the THz radiation considers a wide plethora of scientific fields and applications. There are still many open questions regarding working at THz frequencies. In particular, it is important to invest in new methodologies and in novel materials exhibiting unconventional THz properties to develop new and more performing THz emitters, detectors and beam shapers. In this workshop results related to this research were reported with particular regard for applications in biomedicine, cultural heritage, technology.

11/2022 - SapienzaTerahertz group received a special mention from the scientific committee of the SIF 2022 congress for the oral communication entitled "Infrared Spectroscopy Characterization of MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 Spike Proteins for a Sensoristic Platform" by Dr. A. D'Arco. This research, coordinated by Prof. Lupi, concerns the study of the secondary conformational structure of spike proteins of some coronavirus families and their correlation with the viral characteristics of transmissibility and pathogenesis. The activity is supported by the projects Nato for Peace G5889 and LazioInnova Research Groups 2020.

11/2022 - The SapienzaTerahertz group (L. Tomarchio, L. Mosesso and S. Lupi) in collaboration with Prof. Ke He from Tsinghua University, and Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences, have recently published a paper on NPJ Nature ASIA Materials Electrodynamics of MnBi2Te4 Intrinsic Magnetic Topological Insulator. Here, the effects of time-reversal symmetry breaking are investigated on topological massless Dirac states. The time reversal breaking is induced by the insurgence of magnetic order in the MnBi2Te4 crystal structure, opening an exchange gap at the Dirac node. This gap opening corresponds to a finite mass for Dirac fermions at the surface of MnBi2Te4. Topological insulators, and Weyl and Dirac semimetals not only represent a class of Quantum Materials for quantum technology applications but offer also a valuable platform for combining condensed matter with high-energy particle physics in a very useful cross-fertilization interaction.

20-21/04/2022 - In the Workshop  "Bioaerosols & Atmosphere Pollutants - Innovative solutions and sensor systems for air-quality monitoring" we will take stock of the criticalities and will discuss potential innovative solutions and technological  advances in air-quality monitoring. Researchers and experts of the field will share their results and will compare with the Authority demands and the industrial reality of the territory

14-15/02/2022 - In the Workshop "Quantum Materials for Quantum Technologies", which include Italian researchers and internationally recognized experts, we will discuss the physical properties of many Quantum Materials and their applications in particle physics and more in general for quantum technologies.

25-26/11/2021 - Bilateral Workshop "3D Graphene and other 2D -> 3D Materials", supported by the Italian/Chinese Great Relevance Bilateral Project, was held at LNF-INFN (Frascati) in hybrid form.

The Workshop is organized to enhance the collaboration and exchange of ideas between Chinese and Italian researchers around the potentialities of 3D Graphene network and other 2D-> 3D materials of interest, and relative applications.

19/11/2021 - The SapienzaTerahertz group in collaboration with INFN-LNF and the University of Tsukuba in Japan have recently published a paper on NPG Asia Materials, about the light-matter interaction in novel 3D graphene networks. Here, the unique electrical, thermal and optical properties of graphene have been extended into 3D structures by stacking high-quality graphene monolayers in a wide variety of three-dimensional networks. By measuring the optical properties of these 3D networks in a broad spectral range from terahertz to ultraviolet, we demonstrate how 3D graphene behaves like a high-pass optical filter due to its multiscale spatial scatterers.

Thus 3D graphene represents a novel disordered photonic material resembling the complex scattering structures found in biological systems. This similarity opens a pathway to the future exploitation of graphene 3D structures for the fabrication of innovative materials with unique optoelectronic properties.

14-15/10/2021 - The first workshop dedicated to the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB user applications at LNF-INFN (Frascati). EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB is a facility dedicated to developing a FEL based on plasma acceleration for User Application within EuPRAXIA, the first European project that develops a dedicated particle accelerator research infrastructure based on novel plasma acceleration concepts and laser technology.

27/05/2021 - Launch of a joint NATO SPS project by two Italian and Austrian universities aimed to join forces to strengthen health and safety in response to new challenges posed by the COVID-19 global pandemic. 

10-11/12/2019 - The Workshop "Spectroscopy and Imaging with Terahertz Radiation using Ultimate Radiation Sources", chaired by Prof. Stefano Lupi, Dr. Augusto Marcelli and Prof. Akinori Irizawa, is organized to enhance the collaboration and exchange of ideas between Japanese and Italian researchers around different Terahertz radiation topics.