Bachelor's Theses

Bachelor's theses/dissertations are available on the following topics:

This list is not exhaustive: you can propose further topics, based on your personal interests. For more information contact Prof. Stefano Lupi .

Master's Theses

Several Master Theses are currently available in Terahertz technology related to generation and detection, Terahertz/Infrared spectroscopy in biophysics applications, Broad band steady-state and Pump-Probe (Terahertz-Ultraviolet) spectroscopy and microscopy in Material Science (Topological quantum materials, Insulator-to-Metal Transition in transitional metal oxides

Some topics are listed below:

This list is not exhaustive: you can propose further topics, based on your personal interests. For this reasons, students are encouraged to contact Prof. Stefano Lupi for additional information.

Research Fellowship 

Title project: Ultrasensitive detEction oF vocs and pAthogens (PRIN PNRR 2022)

Topics: vibrational spectroscopy, optoelectronics, biophotonics, biosensing

Description activity: The grant includes the design adn implementation of a sensoristic platform based on metal oxides, and its characterization in term of optical and electic responses, for identification and tracking of pathogens and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in air. It is also planned the realization of a spectral database of VOCs and biomolecules of interest (proteins, RNA, DNA, etc.), the study and optimization of dual interrogation response of the biosensor.

Deadline: 17/01/2024

Link: https://web.uniroma1.it/trasparenza/dettaglio_bando_albo/212284/2024-01-17T00%3A00%3A00 

For info contact: stefano.lupi@roma1.infn.it  & annalisa.darco@uniroma1.it