3rd Italian Workshop on Radar and Remote Sensing

Rome, 30-31 May 2019

Call for Papers

Download the Call for Papers.

Participants are encouraged to submit original work-in-progress as well as results previously presented at other events. Submitted contributions will not be published nor copyrighted. Access to copyrighted material will be restricted.

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Abstract submission deadline: April 29, 2019

Workshop free registration closing: May 2, 2019

The workshop final program will include keynote speaker talks, oral and poster presentations. The two best oral and poster presentations from "under 35 years" will be awarded.

Topics to be covered include (but are not limited to):

Radar Environment and PhenomenologyRadar Signal and Data ProcessingRadar Systems & Phased ArraysBistatic/Multistatic Radar/MIMO RadarSpectrum Sharing and Waveform DiversityEmerging Radar Technologies and Applications Automotive RadarRadar Systems for Foliage/Ground/Building PenetrationSAR Interferometry and Differential InterferometrySAR Polarimetry and TomographyMicrowave Remote SensingOptical and Hyperspectral Remote SensingRemote Sensing Data Modelling, Quality Assessment and EnhancementWeather RadarImage/Data Processing and AnalysisClassification and Detection in RS ImagesData, Feature and Information Fusion TechniquesMultidimensional/multitemporal image analysisBig Data from Space

Please refer to the Authors Information section for details about the submission process and presentation formats.