3rd Italian Workshop on Radar and Remote Sensing

Rome, 30-31 May 2019

Authors Information

The official language of the Workshop is English.

Paper Submission

The workshop, in the intention of the Organizing Committee, represents a very useful opportunity to share research advancements, exchange views and debate emerging issues among GTTI community, at all levels of experience. To this purpose there will be room for both keynote speaker talks, oral and poster presentations.

Interested Authors are therefore encouraged to provide their valuable contribution by submitting extended abstracts (1-2 pages) reporting either original results of ongoing research or achievements already presented at other events. Access to copyrighted material will be restricted. Submitted contributions will not be published nor copyrighted.

Abstracts must be submitted not later than April 29, 2019 to the email address: rrsw.2019@uniroma1.it

Guidelines for Oral Presenters

Any paper scheduled for oral presentation shall occupy a slot of 15 minutes. You should plan to speak for 12 minutes and leave 3 minutes for questions from the audience. Speakers are requested to respect the timing allowed to the session and to each presentation.

To ensure that the workshop stays on schedule, all presentation materials must be sent to rrsw.2019@uniroma1.it by May 28. Power Point and PDF (with embedded fonts) are the acceptable formats. It is also a good idea to bring a backup copy of your presentation on a memory stick.

Speakers should plan to use the supplied computer to present their material. Please note that it will NOT be possible to show movies/slides from your personal laptop.

Guidelines for Poster Presenters

Posters must be prepared for presentation on boards measuring 100 cm wide by 140 cm high, portrait format (we suggest paper size of A0 format).

Please bring the poster to the workshop already printed. Push tacks will be available to tack your poster to the board.

Authors are requested to stand by their posters during the dedicated poster session.

Poster will be removed at the end of the session.