Current Positions

- Director of the Undergraduate Program in Economics, Department of Social Sciences and Economics, Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, Communication, Sapienza University of Rome (as of November 2020)

- Associate Chair for the Undergraduate Courses, Department of Social Sciences and Economics, Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, Communication, Sapienza University of Rome (as of November 2020)

- Professor of International Economics, Sapienza University of Rome (as of November 2005)

Previous academic positions


·         Professor of International Economics                                                           2001-2005        

University of Bari

·         Associate Professor of International Economics                                          1998-2001        

University of Bari

·         Assistant Professor of Economics                                                                1990-1998        

Sapienza University of Rome

·         Junior Economist                                                                                         1988-1990        

Bank of Italy, Rome



Managing positions


·         Director of Master’s and Undergraduate programs in Economics               2011-2019                 Dept. of Social Sciences and Economics

Sapienza University of Rome

·         Associate Chair for the Master’s and Undergraduate studies in Economics    2011-2019                 Dept. of Social Sciences and Economics

Sapienza University of Rome

·         Director of Research Center of International Economics (CIDEI)              2007-2011           Sapienza University of Rome

·         Director of the Graduate School in Economics                                            2004-2005         University of Bari



Visiting positions


·         Department of Economics                                                                                    2015-17 (Summer terms)        

University of Michigan

·         Ford School of Public Policy                                                                        Winter 2009         

University of Michigan

·         EQUIPPE                                                                                                     Fall 2005        

University of Lille1

·         Department of Economics                                                                                    1995        

University of Michigan


Consulting positions


·         Senior Economist                                                                                      Dec. 2006-March 2007   

European Central Bank

Partecipated in a research projet on the effects of contractionary fiscal policy in OECD countries.

·         Senior Economist and Econometric Expert                                             2004-2006   

Italian Trade Commission (Istituto Commercio Estero, ICE)

Consultant to “fine-tune” a highly-disaggregated econometric model of world export and import flows for forecasting purposes (together with the Italian think tank Prometeia).

·         Senior Economist                                                                                      January 2003   

Bank for International Settlements

Held a Workshop on VAR econometrics: theory and practice

·         Senior Economist                                                                                      1997-2003   

Italian Ministry of the Economy (Dept. of the Treasury)

Participated in the preparation of the annual report of the Italian Treasury on the planning budget (Documento di Programmazione Economica e Finanziaria).

·         Senior Economist                                                                                          2000-2002

Italian Institute of Statistics

Participated in the study group on the measurement of capital after the ICT diffusion.



Other work experience


·         Junior Economist                                                                                             1988-1990        

Bank of Italy, Rome



Editorial Boards And Scientific Committees




International Conferences and Seminars Organised





Teaching experience








Referee for the following major Journals: European Economic Review, Regional Science, American Economic Journal – Applied Economics (2018), Oxford Economic Papers, Regional Science and Urban Economics, American Economic Review (1998-2000), Economic Notes, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of International and Comparative Economics, Moneta e Credito, Rivista di Politica Economica.