
Current Position

Professor of Demography, Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome  

Deputy Director of the Department of Methods and Models for the Economy, Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome 

Research Fellow (Chercheur associé) Mesopolhis, Aix-Marseille Université, Sciences Po Aix & Centre national de la recherche scientifique

Secretary General Italian Statistical Society

Academic Qualification

2021-2030 Habilitation in Demography and Social Statistics (“Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, Prima Fascia”, National Scientific Qualification for full Professorship in the Italian university system) for the years 2021-2030

2015-2024 Habilitation in Demography and Social Statistics (“Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, Seconda Fascia”, National Scientific Qualification for associate Professorship in the Italian university system) for the years 2015-2024

2006 Ph.D. in Demography and Economics, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Paris, France). PhD awarded with distinction “Cum laude”

2001 Master degree in Demography and Economics, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Paris, France). 

2000 Master degree in Economics, La Sapienza University, Faculty of Economics (Rome, Italy). Master awarded with distinction “Cum laude” 

Previous Positions

January 2018-December 2023: Associate Professor of Demography, Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome

November 2008-December 2017: Assistant Professor (permanent position) of Demography, Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome

September 2007-August 2008: Lecturer, University of Aix-Marseille II, Faculty of Economics. 

September 2006-August 2007: Post doctoral Research fellow, Sapienza University of Rome and INED (National Institute of Demographic Studies), financed by Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). Member of the INED Research Team Gender and Demography.

November 2001-October 2005: Research Assistant of Demography and Social Statistics, Department of Statistics and Demography, Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Economics. 

 January 2002-November 2006: Doctoral Fellow, INED (National Institute of Demographic Studies). Member of the INED Research Team International Migrations.  



2013-present: Population and Development, 9 CFU, Sapienza University, Master in Science for Development and International Cooperation, Faculty of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication

2020-present: Population Dynamics, 9 CFU, Sapienza University, Master in Health Economics, Faculty of Economics

2023-2024: Population and Suistanable Development, 6 CFU, Sapienza University, Master in Economics Finance and Business Law, Faculty of Economics

2012-2019: Business Demography, 9 CFU, Sapienza University, Master in Economics Finance and Business Law, Faculty of Economics

2019-2021: Digital Demography, 6 CFU, Sapienza University, Master in Economics Finance and Business Law, Faculty of Economics

2017-present: Demography, Migration and Development (8 hours), Sapienza University, Master in Migration and Development 


2011-2012: Demography, 9 CFU, Sapienza University, Bachelor in Technological innovation, quality certification and environmental policies, Faculty of Economics

2009-2011: Demography , 5 CFU, Sapienza University, Bachelor in Planning and Management of land and environment 

2019-2020: Population & Sustainability, Sapienza University, Training on Sustainability, Faculty of Economics 


2017-2018: International Migration, European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD) at MaxO/SDU

2018-2019: International Migration, European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD) at MaxO/SDU

2019-2020: International Migration, European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD) at CED/Barcelona

2020-2021: International Migration, European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD) at CED/Barcelona

2021-2022: International Migration, European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD) at CED/Barcelona

2022-2023: International Migration, European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD) at CED/Barcelona

2023-2024: International Migration, European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD) at INED/PARIS

Bachelor, Master, PhD, post-doc supervisor 

Assistant Professors: M. Zannella, Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Economics, Memotef Dept. (2021-2023)

Post-docs: S. Miccoli, Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Economics, Memotef Dept. (2019-2022)

E. Roberta Petrillo, Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Economics, Research Centre for European, International and Development Studies (2015-2017)

PhD: Daniela Foresta, Sapienza University, Doctoral School in Statistical Sciences, (2021-); Cecilia Fortunato, Sapienza University, Doctoral School in Statistical Sciences, (2019-); Angela Paparusso, Sapienza University, Doctoral School in Statistical Sciences, (2012-2016);  supervisor of the final dissertation of: Christoph Bein, Laura Cilek, Anushe Hassan, Micheal Del Mundo, Alyce Raybould, within the European Doctoral School of Demography (2016-2017 and 2015-2016)

Supervised more than 130 Master dissertations and 19 Bachelor dissertations from 2009 to present 

PhD dissertation commitee member

Dr. Giulia MARROCCOLI PhD in  MUTAMENTO SOCIALE E POLITICO - XXXII cycle, Università degli Studi di Torino in co-tutorship with the Université Lumière Lyon 2, 10 January 2022.

Dr. Ilgi BOZDAG PhD en Démographie-Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, 10 January 2024.

Mrs. Marija Pavićević PhD en Sciences Politiques-Université Paris 13 Sorbonne Paris Nord, 4 June 2024.

Academic responsabilities

2013-present: Coordinator of the commission VQR/IRIS, Sapienza University, Faculty of Economics, MEMOTEF Department 

2023-present: Member of the teaching commission, Sapienza University, Faculty of Economics, MEMOTEF Department 

2018-2023: Coordinator of the research commission, Sapienza University, Faculty of Economics, MEMOTEF Department 

2013-2018: Member of the research commission, Sapienza University, Faculty of Economics, MEMOTEF Department 

2011-present: Member of the Doctoral School of Statistical Sciences at Sapienza, curriculum Demography

2015-2017: European Doctoral School of Demography: Deputy Dean of the School, Coordinator of the Module “Causes and consequences of Population changes” (with V. Egidi); Coordinator of the Module “Colloquium Series”; Responsible of the organization of the programme of the school (with G. Caselli)

2015-2022: Member of the commissions: teaching and Review Group of the Quality of the Teaching Programmes, Sapienza University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication, Bachelor and Master degree in Science for Development and International Cooperation

2015-2021: Coordinator of the committee on the Review Group of the Quality of the Teaching Programmes, Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Economics (Latina annex) 

2018-2021: Deputy Coordinator of the Bachelor and Master degree in Science for Development and International Cooperation

2021-2023: Member of the Commission for Scientific Research of University La Sapienza 

2023-: Deputy Director of the Department of Methods and Models for the Economy, Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome 


January 2020: German Institute for Economic Research DIW-Berlin (Germany)

October-December 2018: The Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Nuremberg (Germany)

February 2016: Stockholm University Demographic Unit, Stockholm (Sweden)

September-October 2015: Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques (INED), Paris (France)

September 2014: Complutense University Madrid, Faculty of Economics, Madrid (Spain)

April 2012: Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Faculty of Economics,  Milan (Italy)

January-February 2012: Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques (INED), Paris (France)

February 2010: Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques (INED), Paris (France)

May-June 2009: Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques (INED), Paris (France)

Editorial activities

Associate Editor & Team chief of the book review team of GENUS – Journal of Population Science; 

Associate Editor of the journal Sociology of Race and Ethnicity (2018-2022); 

Member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Population;

Member of the Scientific Committee of Revue d'études des populations

Research grants and papers review activity

Grants reviewer for

European Commission: European Research Council Starting Grants & Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, H2020 proposals for topic 'Climate and human migration'(selected but declined), Call for Integration of Third-Country Nationals under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) ; The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG): JPI Urban Migration call; Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research: FARE, SIR, PRIN and FIRB projects; University of Florence; University of Sassari; University of Pavia; University of Verona

Papers reviewer for

Journals: Cahiers québécois de démographie, Demographic Research, European Journal of Population, Forum for International Research in Education, Genus, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, International Journal of Social Welfare, International Migration, International Migration Review, Journal of Demographic Economics, Journal of Family Issues, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Journal of International Migration and Integration, Population et Société, Population Review, Revue Quetelet, Revue Autrepart, Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, Social Indicators Research, Statistica, Sustainability, Violence Against Women

Institutions: Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research: VQR 2011-14, VQR 2015-2019, European Science Foundation, IISMM et GIS Moyen Orient et Mondes musulmans (Institut d’études de l’islam et des sociétés du monde musulman (IISMM) et le Groupement d’intérêt scientifique (GIS) Moyen-Orient Mondes musulmans du CNRS ) (prix de thèse 2018) 

Membership of scientific committees 

2018-2020: member of the advisory board of the H2020 project ICT Enabled Public Services for Migration (MIICT )

2016-present: Grupo Colmeiro, Faculty of Economics, Santiago de Compostela 

2016-present: Unesco Chair in Population, Migrations and Development of Sapienza University of Rome 

2016-present: Associazione Italiana del Libro, Premio Nazionale di divulgazione scientifica

2016-present: Associazione Italiana del Libro, Primo Premio Nazionale di Editoria Universitaria 

2015-present: Master in Migration and Development of Sapienza University of Rome 

2013-2018: Annali del Dipartimento di Metodi e Modelli per l’Economia il Territorio e la Finanza

2008-present: Mediterranean Demographic Observatory (DemoMed) established at the University of Aix-Marseille 

Membership of scientific societies

AIDELF (International Association of French Speaking Demographers); EAPS (European Association for Population Studies); AISP (Italian Association for Population Studies); SIS (Italian Statistics Association); IUSSP (International Union for the Scientific Study of Population); PAA (Population Association of America); APA (Asian Population Association); SIEDS (Società Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica); ASN (Association for the Study of Nationalities)

Awards or honors received

2023: RC31 Awards for Best Book and for Best Article: Awards received at the ISA World Congress, June 2023. Honorable mention for the paper: Elena Ambrosetti, Giulia Bettin, Eralba Cela, & Angela Paparusso (2023). Subjective well-being and school outcomes among children of immigrants and natives in Italy. Population, Space and Place, 29(4).)

2023: Recipient of a research grant within the “Bando Award Horizon Europe” of Sapienza University of Rome 

2020: Visiting Grant funded by InGRID-2 project (H2020 grant agreement no. 730998): "The well-being of forced immigrants in Germany "

2016: Recipient of a research grant from the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) within the call “Finanziamento delle attività base di ricerca” (di cui all'art. 1, commi 295 e seguenti, della Legge 11 dicembre 2016)

2015: Best Poster Award: conferred to Maria Herica La Valle and Elena Ambrosetti for the structure and the presentation of the poster entitled: Active Ageing in Italy: an analysis by gender and region. Palermo Italy, 4-6 February 2015: 11th edition of the Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione (Population days)