New economic geography

New Economic Geography
[PhD Teramo, 2009]

EU regional policy between Ricardian specialization and the New Economic Geography view


  • Optimal task allocation (slides)

  • Europe’s economic geography (slides)

  • EU regional policy (slides)


  • Baldwin R., R. Forslid, P. Martin, G. Ottaviano, and F. Robert-Nicoud, Economic geography and public policy, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2003.

  • Baldwin R. and C. Wyplosz, The economics of European integration, McGraw Hill, 2009.

  • Fujita M. and P. Krugman, The new economic geography: Past, present, and the future, Regional Science, 2004 (link).

  • Krugman P., The new economic geography: Now middle-aged, Prepared for presentation to the Association of American Geographers, 2010 (link).

Interesting websites

  • Richard Baldwin’s web-page (web)

  • Giammarco Ottaviano’s web-page (web)

  • Krugman at The New York Times (web)

  • Jacques-François Thisse’s web-page (web)