I spent a lot of money on booze, birds, and fast cars. The rest I just squandered. George Best

Lectures on Monetary Policy

Giovanni Di Bartolomeo

First Term, Wednesday and Thursday, 14.00-16.00. Aula Marrama, Faculty of Economics [Ed. RM019], 6th floor.

Now, we are here:




The Real Business Cycle Approach

The New Keynesian Approach

Additional topics



N. Acocella, G. Di Bartolomeo, A. Hughes Hallett, Macroeconomic Paradigms and Economic Policy, Cambridge University Press, 2016

J. Galì, Monetary Policy, Inflation, and the Business Cycle, Princeton University Press, 2015

A short video with an introduction to Dynare with a focus on solution and simulation methods by Willi Mutschler (we thank him)


Web page materials are not self-contained, do not always constitute original material, and contain some “cut and paste” pieces from various sources that might not always explicitly refer to (although I am trying to cite my sources as much as possible). Therefore, they are not intended to be used outside the course or distributed. Thank you for catching typos and mistakes