
Scientific & Organizing Commitee

Augusto Marcelli

INFN-LNF, Frascati

Antonio Grilli

INFN-LNF, Frascati

Stefano Lupi

Sapienza University of Rome and INFN

Massimo Petrarca

Sapienza University of Rome and INFN

Lucia Sabbatini

INFN-LNF, Frascati

Annalisa D'Arco

INFN-LNF, Frascati

How to reach us

Built in 1955, the National Laboratory of Frascati (LNF) were the first Italian research facility for the study of nuclear and subnuclear physics with accelerators and are the largest laboratory of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), the public body whose mission is theoretical, experimental and technological research in subnuclear, nuclear and astroparticle physics.

INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Rome, Italy