
Exam scheduling

V regular 14.09.2023

IV regular 14.07.2023

III regular 16.06.2023

II outstanding 25.03.2023

II regular 13.02.2023

I regular 12.01.2023

I outstanding 22.10.2022

II outstanding 01.04.2022

WARNING: The II outstanding session is the last time the exam can be taken remotely. In order to attend the exam by remote, must fill in and send the form available at the link:


This form is MANDATORY required by our Faculty.

ATTENZIONE: Questo è l'ultimo appello in cui l'esame verrà svolto da remoto

WARNING: This is the last time the exam can be taken remotely.

I regular 14.01.2022

A causa dell'aggravarsi dell'emergenza COVID, la sessione d'esame di gennaio sarà svolta DA REMOTO.

Due to the escalating COVID emergency, the January examination session will be held REMOTELY.

I outstanding 23.10.2021

La sessione d'esame di ottobre è prevista in PRESENZA. Coloro che, a causa dell'emergenza COVID, hanno la necessità di sostenere l'esame a distanza, devono compilare e inviare il modulo disponibile al link:


Questo modulo è richiesto OBBLIGATORIAMENTE dalla nostra Facoltà, altrimenti DOVETE PARTECIPARE all'esame in PRESENZA.

The October exam session is scheduled to take place in PRESENCE. Those who, due to the COVID emergency, need to attend the exam by remote, must fill in and send the form available at the link::


This form is required MANDATORY by our Faculty, otherwise you MUST ATTEND the exam in PRESENCE.

I outstanding 24.10.2020

I regular 15.01.2021

II regular 12.02.2021

II outstanding 20.03.2021

III regular 17.06.2021

IV regular 15.07.2021

V regular 16.09.2021

La sessione d'esame di settembre è prevista in PRESENZA. Coloro che, a causa dell'emergenza COVID, hanno la necessità di sostenere l'esame a distanza, devono compilare e inviare il modulo disponibile al link:


Questo modulo è richiesto OBBLIGATORIAMENTE dalla nostra Facoltà, altrimenti DOVETE PARTECIPARE all'esame in PRESENZA.

The September exam session is scheduled to take place in PRESENCE. Those who, due to the COVID emergency, need to attend the exam by remote, must fill in and send the form available at the link::


This form is required MANDATORY by our Faculty, otherwise you MUST ATTEND the exam in PRESENCE.

How the face-to-face exam is set up

Access to the classroom will only be possible once you have been identified: to enter the classroom you will have to answer the call showing your ID, and then you can sit where you are indicated. The examination is closed book and closed notes. In addition, all electronic devices must be switched off during the examination, and everything except the calculator and stationery (pens, pencils, erasers, etc.) must be removed from the desk. Bags and backpacks must be placed near the teacher's desk. 

How the remotely exam is set up

There are no variations with respect to that specified in this web page for the face-to-face (i.e., in presence) exam: it will be in written form and closed book, except for the on line execution according to the way published by the University. With respect to these ones, I will adopt a simplified procedure for the exam in order to reduce any problem related to the instability of the connection for 3 or 4 hours. In order to facilitate all identification operations, during the access to the GOOGLE MEET video meeting (LINK: https://meet.google.com/yry-fykg-upd), I will ask you to show me your ID on the webcam of your notebook. In this way I will be able to quickly proceed to the visual confirmation of your identity. In relation to the number of participants, the access to the video meeting may require a few minutes of waiting: you will simply have to wait for your turn. The exam will begin once I have processed all pending access requests. In order to enter the EXAM.NET environment, you will be able to use the EXAM KEY previously sent by e-mail, but only after I have authorised the access. During the identification and during the written exam your microphone must remain off, while the webcam must be obviously on. In this way, in addition to speeding up the operations, we will avoid private video meetings that can reduce the efficiency of data transmission, risking to compromise the proper processing of the exam. I remind you that once you are inside EXAM.NET you will not be able to leave the environment, otherwise you risk the possible cancellation of the exam. You can only communicate with me through the EXAM.NET chat. In order to carry out the written exam you can use all the tools and apps that I have activated in the EXAM.NET environment (text and formulas editors, graphs, calculator etc.) and possibly your calculator. I ask you to use as far as possible these tools and apps, in order to facilitate the subsequent correction of your work. Only in case of extreme necessity, you can integrate the written text on screen with photos of complicated formulas or complex drawings, which would be too expensive to enter with the available EXAM.NET tools. Possible drawings, formulas or handwritten calculations on your papers will have to be captured by your smartphone, and will have to be uploaded using the methods provided by EXAM.NET, in order to send (at the end of the exam, which will last three hours) your complete work. The result of the exam will be communicated to you as soon as the correction has been completed. If you wish, you can view the error(s) in your written exam on request.