
Smart Grids (Timetable and Notice board)

Course meeting time

Period: 27.02.2023 - 30.05.2023 

Mailing list

In order to enable quick and secure notifications to the whole class or certain students, it is strongly recommended to subscribe to the course mailing list: LINK

Notice board

19/05/2023 @ 09:45 - the new presentation for the lecture on "R&D EU Programme for Smart Grids: ASM Terni experience" has been published.

06/05/2023 @ 18:45 - the third homework has been published; it is available at this LINK and the solution must be received by 15 May

18/04/2023 @ 16:00 - WARNING: the lecture on Monday 24 April will not be given. Lectures not held due to the 25 April and 1 May holidays, as well as the one cancelled on 24 April, will be rescheduled on 3, 10 and 17 May. These lectures, like the previous remedial ones, will be given remotely. If there is an explicit request to deliver these lectures face-to-face, they will be given in the meeting room of the Electrical Engineering Department, next to classroom 39 and before the drinks machines. If everyone confirms their preference for the remote mode, I am also available, at your request, to give these lectures at other timetables than the scheduled ones. 

18/04/2023 @ 23:00 - the second homework has been published; it is available at this LINK and the solution must be received by 1 May

27/03/2023 @ 09:00 - WARNING: remedial lectures are scheduled for Wednesday 5 April from 16:00 to 18:00 and Wednesday 12 from 16:00 to 19:00; for the time being, they will be given face-to-face in the meeting room of the Electrical Engineering Department, next to classroom 39 and before the drinks machines.

26/03/2023 @ 20:30 - the first homework has been published; it is available at this LINK and the solution must be received by 4 April

20/03/2023 @ 20:30 - WARNING: next Tuesday (21/03/2023) the lecture will not be given because of a sudden institutional commitment (meeting on energy scenarios arising from Fit For 55 with some Italian government Ministers). The class will be rescheduled shortly, on a next Wednesdays from 4 to 7 p.m.

19/03/2023 @ 19:00 - PLEASE NOTE: about the remedial lecture, as I currently have not found available classrooms, I propose you a remote class on one of the next Wednesdays from 4 to 6 p.m.; once I have checked your availability, I will inform you as soon as possible about the date on which the remedial lecture will be given.

14/03/2023 @ 14:00 - WARNING: next Friday (17/03/2023) the lecture will not be given because I have a family commitment (my son is graduating). The class will be rescheduled shortly, and I will inform you about the date, the time and the classroom (possibly virtual if a physical classroom is not available) as soon as possible. 

21/02/2023 @ 11:00 - PLEASE NOTE: the lesson on Friday, 3 March will begin at 08:00 and end at 11:00 in classroom 16, and will be held by Franceso Palone, an engineer with  Terna S.p.A. (i.e. the Italian TSO) who will speak about: "Typical Italian and European layouts of HV/MV substations, their main components and operating conditions".

19/02/2023 @ 23:30 - The course will regularly start on Monday 27 2023.

Smart Grids Lab (Timetable and Notice board)

WARNING: during the A.Y. 2022-2023 the course will be given by Prof. Marco Maccioni.

Classes of Smart Grids Lab will start on 16th of March 2023 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at "Sala riunioni di elettrica" which is located near Room 39. Teaching material is uploaded on the classroom page of the course. The code to access the classroom page is fju43ri.

For further information or questions, please contact Prof. Maccioni directly at