Verbs' constructional patterns across languages

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This project is funded through the European Union funding – NextGenerationEU – Missione 4 Istruzione e ricerca - componente 2, investimento 1.1” Fondo per il Programma Nazionale della Ricerca (PNR) e Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)” progetto 20223XH5XM "Verbs’ constructional patterns across languages: a multi-dimensional investigation" CUP F53D23004570006 - Dipartimento Studi Umanistici (Università di Pavia).

Our project aims at investigating constructional patterns of verbs across languages. With our project, we aim to further develop both typological and diachronic comparisons of verb classes and their similar patterns in order to extract general coding tendencies in terms of argument structure constructions and valency patterns.

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This project is embedded in current research on verbal constructions. We build on results reached in earlier or ongoing projects: 

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Principal investigators


(University of Pavia)

National PI and PI of the Pavia research team

Michela CENNAMO 

("Federico II" University, Naples)

PI of the Naples research team

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