
Symposium attendees can reside at the Palazzo Vistarino guest rooms.

Guest rooms of Palazzo Vistarino have private bathroom. Services also include breakfast, (upon request) meals, and wi-fi.

In order to reserve a guest room of Palazzo Vistarino, symposium attendees should send an e-mail to segreteriafamt@unipv.it, indicating "Third European Symposium in Celtic Studies" in the subject line.

Note that we have only 15 rooms available at Palazzo Vistarino, so we suggest you to make your reservation as soon as possible.

Other housing options include university dormitories (Collegi).

Pavia has several university dormitories (Collegi), which offer different housing solutions, including single or double rooms with private or shared bathroom. The price for a room in a university dorm is about €40,00 - 45,00.

If you want to reserve a room, please contact the Symposium organizers at 3escs.pavia2022@gmail.com.

Below you find information concerning the location of the main Collegi and their contact details.


Below you find a list of hotels in the downtown. We suggest that you reserve as soon as possible, because there might be further events in the same period. If you use Booking.com you might find good offers.


You may find some cheap and nice apartments and studios also on Airbnb.