Astronomy & Astrophysics

Dipartimento di Fisica "E. Fermi" 

Universitá di Pisa


"Pisa Astro Events

Date and Time: November 2nd, 2023

Place: In-person meeting Building C - Room 131

Title: INAF- Osservatorio astrofisico di Arcetri incontra gli studenti


Giovedi 2 Novembre si è svolto un incontro con ricercatori di INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, che hanno descritto la loro attività di ricerca illustrando anche possibili argomenti di tesi magistrale, da svolgere sotto la supervisione congiunta di ricercatori di INAF-Osservatorio di Arcetri e docenti dell’Università di Pisa. 


Programma dell'incontro

(Presentazioni disponibili cliccando sul titolo)

Studenti interessati ad un'eventuale visita scientifica all'Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri possono mandare un e-mail a: . Nota: dato che sulla base del numero di studenti interessati potrebbe essere organizzata una visita, si prega di scrivere solo se REALMENTE interessati a partecipare.

Date and Time: May 30th,  11:30 am CET

Place: In-person seminar Building C - Room 131

Title: The multiplicity of stellar populations of Globular Clusters

Speaker: Santi Cassisi - INAF-Teramo


Galactic globular clusters have always been at the crossroad of several investigations

in both Stellar and Galactic Astrophysics. For long time, they have been considered

the prototypes of Simple Stellar Populations, and hence used for testing and calibrating

stellar evolutionary models as well as population synthesis tools. Nowadays, after the

discovery of the presence of multiple stellar populations in almost all Galactic GCs, we know

that this assumption is no longer valid. The process(es) of formation and early evolution

of these star clusters is (are) very far to be understood, and any scenario so far envisaged is

severely challenged by the pletora of empirical evidence collected till now. In the same time,

thanks to the availability of an impressive observational framework - collected by combining

kinematic measurements from Gaia mission, with data provided by large spectroscopic and

photometric surveys -, GCs are playing a crucial role for our understanding of the

assembly history of the Milky Way.

We will review our present knowledge about these important stellar systems, discussing the

several, open issues related to their formation/evolution, and discuss how we can use them

in our effort to depict the Milky Way assembly history.

Date and Time: May 31st,  11:30 am CET

Place: In-person seminar Building C - Room 131

Title: M dwarf stars: a thorny problem for Stellar Astrophysics… but also a big opportunity

Speaker: Santi Cassisi - INAF-Teramo


M dwarfs are becoming extremely important targets in the search of exo-planets with Earth-like

characteristics; a clear proof is represented by the fact that M dwarf stars represent

an important class of objects in the input catalogue of the forthcoming PLATO space mission.

As a consequence, nowadays there is a strong, renewed intest toward this peculiar class

of stars.

From the point of view of stellar physics, M dwarfs are extremely intriguing objects

due to the peculiar thermal conditions experienced by their interiors and outer layers.

For long time, an accurate modelling of these structures has been hampered by the lack of

reliable predictions about the input physics to be used in the stellar model computations,

as well as about how to account for the various physical processes affecting these stars.

In this talk, we review the Physics of M dwarf stars, and the improvements obtained in these

last years, and we also discuss some open issues related to the modelling of these stars.

Il gruppo di Astrofisica

Research Highlights & Papers       

Group members


Cignoni, Degl'Innocenti, Del Pozzo,  Paolicchi, Prada Maroni, Roccatagliata, Shore

Astronomy & Astrophysics Courses 

Bachelor Degree (Laurea Triennale)

Master Degree (Laurea Magistrale)