Call for papers

We are pleased to announce that the University of Palermo organises a workshop on “The Syntax of Causative, Perception, and Restructuring Verbs in Romance and Latin” which is to be held on May 26-27, 2022. It is part of the annual SCUPs (Syntactic Conferences at the University of Palermo).

The aim of this workshop is to deepen our empirical and theoretical knowledge on the syntax of infinitives, gerunds and pseudo-relative clauses with causative, perception and restructuring verbs in Romance languages and varieties, as well as on older stages, starting from Latin, and on the diachronic path that led to an evolution within these constructions.

We invite abstracts for presentations on all topics related to our general aim, both from a synchronic or diachronic perspective. We particularly welcome presentations that compare different constructions, languages, or both; as well as presentations that deal with Latin or with the diachronic evolution that led to the actual situation. The abstracts may – but do not have to – address the following topics:

  • Causative, perception and restructuring constructions in Latin, and the presence/absence of transparency effects in this language;

  • Diachronic perspectives (evolution of the relevant configurations and their properties, grammaticalization, etc.);

  • The syntactic analysis of infinitives with causative, perception and restructuring verbs (ECM, raising-to-object, control, monoclausal vs. biclausal analysis, etc.);

  • Structural integration of the finite or non-finite clause (subordination, adjunction, small clause analysis, etc.);

  • The status of the causee/‘perceivee’ (‘accusative subject’ of the infinitival clause or internal argument of the matrix verb?);

  • Inter-speaker and cross-linguistic (intra-Romance) variation;

  • Insights from lesser studied varieties of Romance;

  • Corpus-based and experimental approaches on structures with causative, perception and restructuring verbs;

  • Acquisition of causative, perception and restructuring constructions by L1 and L2-speakers.

Submission guidelines:

Abstracts should be anonymous and no longer than two pages (12-point type, single line spacing, 2.5cm margins), including examples, tables and references. The file should be anonymous both in the body of the text and in the filename. Submissions are limited to a maximum of one individual and one joint abstract, or two joint abstracts, per author.

The language of the conference is English.

The abstracts should be submitted on easyabstracts in pdf-format no later than January 31, 2022 February 15, 2022.

Link for submissions:

Deadline for abstract submission: 15th of February 2022 (extended deadline)

Notification of acceptance: 15th of March 2022

Dates of the workshop: 26-27 May 2022 in Palermo (in presence)