6-8 Lessons

Have your students play Common Sense Media's Digital Compass. This choose-your-own-adventure game will allow students to make important digital citizenship choices as they navigate their way through this story based game. There are nine possible endings to this game and it's all based on the 50 combinations of paths and decisions that the students make along the way.

Students make important life choices in a fun, safe way. The better their choices and the more lessons they learn, the more points and better badges they earn. Have your students complete this game on their own, or check out the Educator Guide to help you find a blended approach to using Digital Compass in your classroom.

If you would like to view or copy any of the Slide presentations, here's a link to the 6-8 Lesson Folder.

Lessons by Grade Level:

6th Grade:

Digital Life 101
Strategic Searching
Spotting Scams

7th Grade:

My Media
A Creator's Responsibilities
Safe Online Talk

8th Grade:

Trillion Dollar Footprint
Identifying High Quality Sites
The Reality of Digital Drama

Additional Lessons: Copyright and Fair Use

New Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons
New Copyright & Fair Use HyperDoc

7th/8th Grade Copyright and Fair Use

  • Go to Common Sense Digital Bytes
  • Choose Innovation, then Copy-Paste Culture
  • There is a video, discussion questions and extension activities

Here is the Facilitator's Guide that explains how Digital Bytes works.