Online Resources

For general information about Oster, please visit the school's website

Google Classroom

The majority of programs our classroom uses can be found on students Class Link page. Students can access Lexia, BrainPop, Typing Agent, Zearn, etc. on here. Your child is expected to remember their login IDs and passwords if they would like to access these programs at home. 

Google Classroom will be a place where students can easily access a variety of online resources in one place. 

Eureka Math

Eureka Math has wonderful online resources for both students and parents. Youtube Video Tutorials are an excellent at-home resource for additional support. Please ensure you choose the correct module and lesson number. Additionally, families, on Embarc, you can find more resources such as in depth lesson plans.


This is a wonderful website which offers a reading and learning platform. It offers access to books and videos for children ages 12 and under. Students can access this through their Class Link homepage. Our class code for the 2023-24 school will be emailed to you.