Click the buttons for tutorials on how to access Google Classroom. Your parents will receive an email with your Google Classroom Code. Make sure you join as soon as your parents receive the email!

Student Zoom Instructions: Logging in from Any Computer

Make sure you use the correct capitalization when typing in a password to join a meeting and join a meeting with your REAL NAME.

Student Zoom Instructions: Logging in from Chromebook
Student's Guide to Writing an Email

You can email me (Ms. Burguillos) to ask for help when we aren't on Zoom! Please make sure you are sending a CLEAR and respectful email. Here are some tips on how to do so!

TO RECEIVE CREDIT: You must log in with your first and last name or first name and last initial. If you complete the lesson as Darth Vadar I don't know who to give credit to and all of your hard work will be for nothing!

SUPER IMPORTANT: You CANNOT exit a Nearpod and join back again without losing all of your work! You need to complete the activity all in one sitting, or if you step away from your computer make sure you leave the tab open and your screen on.

We will use Flipgrid throughout this year! It is such a fun way to see our classmates, even when we aren't in class together. There will be different codes linked on our Agenda Slides on Google Clasroom to complete different Flipgrid assignments.

  1. Click on the Storyworks link.

  2. Click I am a Student in the pop-up that appears.

  3. Enter the classroom password (BEAGLES2021).

  4. Assigned readings will be posted and linked on our Agenda Slides and on Google Classroom.

Click the button to get to EPIC, access it via our Carlton symbaloo, or type in

When you log in you should enter the class code: hxv9763