
Throughout the school year, your child's progress will be monitored through a number of assessments. Students should complete all assessments independently, without any guidance or support from parents/guardians, to ensure the accuracy and validity of these evaluations. Results from these assessments are used to help inform instruction and provide students with personalized academic support and interventions.

Classroom Assessments:

Teachers will administer a variety of assessments to monitor and evaluate your child's understanding and mastery of various skills, strategies, New York State Standards, and more. Teachers may ask students to complete an exam during a live Google Meet session, others may use a Google Form, and some will ask students to complete assessments asynchronously and submit them at a later time. As a friendly reminder, all student assessments should be completed independently.

District Wide Assessments:

Students in K-5 will be required to complete several assessments throughout the school year. Below are a few platforms used for district assessments:


ELA and Math


All District Local Assessments

iReady Tutorial

In order to access iReady, your child should sign into Clever app on their iPad.