Postdoc positions

The GRAFIA project funds 2 postdoctoral positions, one in ROME2 and one at UNIMIB.

Postdoc position in ROME2

Aim and scope: The primary objective of the project is

the study of random fields with a particular interest in their application to the area of neural networks and machine learning.

Deadline for application: July 1, 2024

Starting date: no later than September 2024

Duration: 24 months

Funders: PRIN project GRAFIA and MUR Departement of Excellence Programme 2023-2027 MatModTov

Supervisor: Prof. Domenico Marinucci



Postdoc position at UNIMIB

Aim and scope: The project concerns the theory of random fields, and their time dependent version. The main goal is the investigation of geometric properties of probabilistic models arising in cosmology, climate science and machine learning. In particular, great attention is devoted to the study of the distribution of (local and non-local) functionals of the field, with an accent on the nodal case. A strong background in probability theory is required; prior experience on the project topics is appreciated. 

Deadline for application: January 15, 2024

Starting date: April 1, 2024

Duration: 12 months

Funders: PRIN project 2022 GRAFIA

Supervisor: Prof. Maurizia Rossi


Winner: Dr. Leonardo Maini