PRIN project 2022 - GRAFIA

Geometry of RAndom FIelds and Applications

Brief description

The aim of the PRIN project 2022 - GRAFIA is the investigation of several issues in the area of spherical random fields, including the time-dependent case, with a view to applications in cosmology and astrostatistics.

The Principal Investigator is Prof. Domenico Marinucci (University of Rome "Tor Vergata") which leads the local unit ROME2

There are other two local units, ROME1 and UNIMIB, coordinated  by Prof. Valentina Cammarota (University of Rome "La Sapienza") and Prof. Maurizia Rossi (University of Milano-Bicocca) respectively. 

The starting date of the project is September 29, 2023, and the duration is 24 months. 

The project is funded by MUR - Italian Ministry of Universities and Research.

The GRAFIA project is made of 3 units: ROME1, ROME2 and UNIMIB. There are 6 italian members and several international collaborators. 

The GRAFIA Seminar Series hosts internationally recognized researchers in the area of random fields and takes place in a hybrid mode (both in presence -in Rome or Milan- and online streaming). 

The results of the GRAFIA project are collected in working papers and peer-reviewed publications. 

There are 2 postdoctoral positions funded by the GRAFIA project, one in ROME2 and one at UNIMIB.

The international Conference PRIN GRAFIA will be held at Palazzone di Cortona in Tuscany (Italy) on June 16-20, 2025. The aim is to bring together experts and emerging researchers working in geometry and statistics of random fields and their applications.

The GRAFIA project co-funds the IV Italian Meeting in Probability & Mathematical Statistics to be held in Rome in June 10-14, 2024


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