AIxIA - Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence

International Summer School


Lake Como School of Advanced Studies

September 23-27, 2024

Villa del Grumello (Como, ITALY) 



Lake Como School of Advanced Studies

Villa del Grumello (Como, ITALY)

September 23-27, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a core research and application area, pervading many fields of knowledge and offering new perspective in the computational landscape of the future. The main purpose of this Summer School “Advances in Artificial Intelligence” is to gather scholars, researchers and PhD students to learn and explore the main advanced topics offered by AI with a wide look towards new perspectives coming by innovative technological scenarios. 

This Summer School is organized by the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence - AIxIA (

The structure of the School comprises six main sessions, designed by the respective Working Groups of AIxIA: 

The organization of the School includes presentations, discussions and contributions, and proposes research challenges and open issues, as well as concrete case studies related to research and application projects. 

Participants will be asked to actively contribute in the discussions and PhD students will be required to develop a final project proposing a novel integrated research or application proposal exploiting the knowledge and information acquired throughout the courses. The participants will earn the certification for the attendance and the result of the final evaluation by the University of Milano-Bicocca

The Summer School is organized by Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence ( and the Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication (University of Milano-Bicocc)a, and received the patronage of: CINI National Lab “Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems” (Milano-Bicocca NODE -, the Association of Italian Researchers in Japan (AIRJ -, and The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence ( The Reaesarch Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo ( The Session of the Working Group "AIxAS - Artificial Intelligence for an Ageing Society" is organized in the framework of the Project "Age-it: Ageing Well in an Ageing Society", PNRR-PE8, Next Generation EU. 


Gianluigi Greco

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (University of Calabria) 

Stefania Bandini

Department of Informatics, Systems and Communications (University of Milano-Bicocca) 


Davide Bacciu (University of Pisa, ITALY)

Roberto Basili (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", ITALY)

Federico Bergenti (University of Parma, ITALY)

Daniela Briola (University of Milano-Bicocca, ITALY)

Pierangela Bruno (University of Calabria, ITALY)

Andrea Cossu (University of Pisa, ITALY)

Danilo Croce (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", ITALY)

Allegra De Filippo (University of Bologna, ITALY)

Elena De Momi (Politecnico di Milano, ITALY)

Francesca Fracasso (CNR_Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, ITALY)

Francesca Gasparini (University of Milano-Bicocca, ITALY)

Massimiliano Giacomin (University of Brescia, ITALY)

Jomi F. Hübner (University of Santa Catarina, BRAZIL) 

Sae Kondo (Mie University, and RCAST, The University of Tokyo, JAPAN)

Calo Lallo (University of Molise, ITALY)

Bernardo Magnini (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, ITALY)

Massimiliano Mancini (University of Trento, ITALY)

Katsuhiro Nishinari (RCAST, The University of Tokyo, JAPAN)

Yukio Ohsawa  (The University of Tokyo, JAPAN)

Leonardo Sanna (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, ITALY)

Enrico Scala (University of Brescia, ITALY)

Fabio Stella (University of Milano-Bicocca, ITALY)

Cecilia Tomassini (University of Molise, ITALY)

Giuseppe Vizzari (University of Milano-Bicocca, ITALY)

Alessio Zanga (University of Milano-Bicocca, ITALY)


Marco Magni (University of Milano-Bicocca, ITALY)

Organizing Committee

Chiara Ghidini (AIxIA Chair)

Roberto Garrone, Alessio De Pellegrin (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Communication Committee

Elisabetta Fersini (Chair), Alessio De Pellegrin (University of Milano-Bicocca), Francesca Lisi (AIxIA)


The Summer School is organized and supported by the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence and the Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication,  University of Milano-Bicocca.



European Union – Next Generation EU, in the context of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, PE8 "Conseguenze e sfide dell’invecchiamento", Project Age-It (AGE - IT - A Novel Public-private Alliance to Generate Socioeconomic, Biomedical and Technological Solutions for an Inclusive Italian Ageing Society - Ageing Well in an Ageing Society).

The Summer School is organized in the framework of the activities of Fondazione Alessandro Volta, Lake Como School of Advanced Studies