Florence Probability group

Welcome to the homepage of the Probability group of the University of Florence! We are part of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science 'Ulisse Dini'.

We actively participate in the Florence Data Science Center, the workshop centre Eurandom, the research programme NETWORKS (NWO, the Netherlands), and the Networks research unit (IMT Lucca).

We are very happy to work with students and young researchers, and we strive to provide a stimulating and lively research environment!

Our group works in Probability Theory, with a special focus on its applications in Statistical Mechanics and the Social Sciences.

Our research interests include Markov chains, stochastic dynamics on graphs, metastability, random graphs and complex networks, random processes in random environment, interacting particle systems, disordered systems, random media, stochastic growth models, random matrices, combinatorial structures, and integrable probability. See this page for more details.

A complex scale-free network

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