Prof. Maria Luisa Amodio

PhD in Sustainable Agriculture at University of Foggia (UNIFG). Her current position is Associate Professor of “Machinery and Plants in the Food Industry” at UNIFG.

She completed her studies with a Certificate Program in Postharvest technology at UC Davis (CA, USA). Her research activities focus on postharvest technology to increase shelf-life of fresh and fresh-cut fruit and vegetables and lately to the application of non-destructive optical techniques to predict quality and shelf-life of horticultural produce. She coordinated several regional projects and was involved as task leader in national and European Projects. She participated to more than 50 conferences and was among the members of Scientific and Organizing committees of several short-courses and international conferences. She is author of more than 130 publications, including articles in peer review journals and book chapters.


Desinged by Hassan Fazayeli