3 July 2024

1st International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development


 a joint event of the IEEE 59th International Scientific Conference on Information, 

Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST 2024)

ARISDE 2024 will take place in virtual form through the Microsoft Teams platform

Important Dates

Submission and Proceedings

Papers have to be submitted in the EasyChair system at the following link:



The registration fee is the same as the ICEST 2024 conference fee. IEEE member rate is not provided here.

For registering to ARISDE 2024, below you can find the bank account details for payment:

Beneficiary: Università Telematica Leonardo da Vinci


Bank address: FILIALE DI CHIETI SCALO – CAB 15501, Italy

IBAN: IT74A 05387 15501 000000 488016

Bank account number: 488016


Please, pay attention to set as motivation of payment the following text:

Hugo Gernsback Lab PAPER ID (your paper ID) Name, Surname ARISDE24

Participant pays for all bank transfer charges, please select “OUR” for transfer charges option. If the full amount of the workshop fee is not received, the fee will be considered unpaid. Payments should be performed in EUR.

Registered participants may request invoice for registration fee by sending an email to: settore.ricerca@unidav.it

Accepted papers

Final program (Italian time)

ARISDE 2024 Workshop - 3 July 2024

Online modality

2pm – 2:15pm

Welcome speech


Session 1. Chairs: Dr. Alessia Amelio, Dr. Goran Veljanovski (2:15pm – 3:55pm)


2:15pm – 2:35pm

Natasha Dimishkovska Krsteski and Atanas Iliev. Optimization of Grid-Connected Microgrids with Residential Prosumers Using an Improved Genetic Algorithm. (15 min + 5 min Q&A)


2:35pm – 2:55pm

Ioannis Mavromatis, Kostas Katsaros and Aftab Khan. Computing Within Limits: An Empirical Study of Energy Consumption in ML Training and Inference. (15 min + 5 min Q&A)


2:55 – 3:15pm

Jyri Rajamäki. The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics to Help Elderly People Survive at Home. (15 min + 5 min Q&A)


3:15pm – 3:35pm

Jacopo Bassetta, David Perpetuini, Daniela Cardone, Maria Teresa Giusti and Arcangelo Merla. Generative AI Utilization Policies: Ethical Challenges and Considerations. (15 min + 5 min Q&A)


3:35pm – 3:55pm

Elisabetta Ferrara and Bruna Sinjari. Decoding Periodontal Diseases: The Synergy of AI and Dental Radiography. (15 min + 5 min Q&A)


Coffee break (15min)


Session 2. Chairs: Dr. Alessia Amelio, Dr. David Perpetuini (4:10pm – 5:50pm)


4:10pm – 4:30pm

Yiqing Xu, Zalizah Awang Long and Djoko Budiyanto Setyohadi. A Targeted Dataset for AI-Enhanced Diabetes Care Communication. (15 min + 5 min Q&A)


4:30 – 4:50

Biagio Rapone, Mauro Di Berardino and Elisabetta Ferrara. Applications of Deep Learning in Periodontal Disease Diagnosis and Management. (15 min + 5 min Q&A)


4:50 – 5:10pm

Elisabetta Ferrara, Michelina Venditti and Bruna Sinjari. Integrated Approaches for the Sustainable Management of Thermal Waters Resources: A Systematic Review. (15 min + 5 min Q&A)


5:10 – 5:30pm

Sabiya Ruhee, Karunya Janaky Ravi and Vaneeta Aggarwal. Artificially Intelligent Green Techno Human Resource Management (AIGTH): A Roadmap Towards Sustainable Digitized Future. (15 min + 5 min Q&A)


5:30 – 5:50pm

Roberto Aufieri and Francesco Mastrocola. Embryo selection and algorithms: the ethical landscape of artificial intelligence in in-vitro fertilization. (15 min + 5 min Q&A)


5:50pm – 6pm


Presentation template

Below you can find the PowerPoint template of the presentation for ARISDE 2024 to follow. Just clicking on the picture below you can download one copy of it.

ARISDE Template.pptx