Remo Appignanesi
Katharine Bartsch
Luca Bradini
Ingrid Gomes Braga
Timothy Brownlee
Diletta R. Cacciagrano
Lina Maria Calandra
Chiara Camaioni
Roberta Cocci Grifoni
Giuseppe Costa
Rosalba D’Onofrio
Piera Di Martino
Zoran Djukanovic
Gerardo Doti
Barbara Fenni
Francesca Giofrè
Iolanda Grappasonni
Tatiana Guarnier
Marta Magagnini
Graziano E. Marchesani
GianMarco Mazzante
Leonardo Mostarda
Ilaria Odoguardi
Maria Federica Ottone
Lorenzo Paglione
Fabio Pagnotta
Piera Pellegrino
Enrica Petrucci
Maurizio Piccioni
Mariano Pierantozzi
Franco Raimondi
Benedetta R. Ruggeri
Roberto Ruggiero
Andrew Rundle
Corrado Sgrò
Michele Talia
Elio Trusiani
George Zillante

Luca Bradini

Researcher in industrial design University of Camerino, school of architecture and design.

His main research areas are: mobility, habitability in extreme spaces and micro-gravity, interaction design applied to design for digital innovation for users with different skill levels.

Within the CChure project he is a component of Unit 4.

Keywords: Interaction design, digital innovation, mobility

Ingrid Braga

Ingrid Braga, Industrial Designer, PhD in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage – UPV - Spain. Professor at the State University of Maranhão- UEMA, Brasil.

Her research interests mainly focus on: low impact design architecture, earth construction techniques, urban and rural quality of life (social and environmental determinants, morbidity indicators) creativity, well-being and issues related to healthy housing.

She is member of the CChure project.

Keywords: low impact design architecture, earth construction techniques, urban and rural quality of life, healthy housing

Diletta Cacciagrano

She is a member in the COmplex SYstems Research Group (COSY). In the context of the regional project “i-labs”, she is a member of the operating committee of the project, operating committee of the regional laboratory and scientific committee. She is a scientific member of the BilancioCO2zero spinoff, an innovative company for building energy efficient solutions and reducing CO2 emission. Her main research activities are in the area of formal methods for complex systems, IoT, model-based design of cyber-physical systems and knowledge modeling.

Within the CChure project she is the Coordinator of the wp3 activities.

Keywords: IoT, cyber-physical systems, knowledge modeling.

Lina Calandra

Lina is Associate Professor in Geography at the Department of Human Studies, University of L'Aquila (Italy), and is the head of the cartographic laboratory "Cartolab".

Her research interests mainly focus on the relationships between environmental conflicts and local development in mountain regions of Italian Appennini; the social geography of vulnerability and resilience to hazards and disasters; the community participation methods and tools in post-disaster contexts and for local development planning.

Within the CChure project she is the Coordinator of the participation activities.

Keywords: environmental conflicts, to hazards and disasters, resilience, community participation

Chiara Camaioni

Chiara is Researcher Fellow in Regional and Urban Planning at the School of Architecture and Design, University of Camerino.

Her research interests focus on the theme of urban form and on the role, that open space assumes in the construction of the contemporary city. She has developed research on the relationship between urban planning and natural hazards for the identification of strategies to mitigate the hydrogeological risk of river systems in urban areas.

Within the CChure project she is Component of the Research UNIT 1.

Keywords: Urban Form, Open Space, Urban Regeneration, Risk Mitigation.

Roberta Cocci Grifoni

Roberta Cocci Grifoni is researcher in Technologies for Architecture and assistant professor in Environmental Applied Physics at Facoltà di Architettura, Università di Camerino (Ascoli Piceno).

The research activities is focused on Urban Heat Island, models for dwelling energy performance under the urban heat island effect, Energetic efficiency in buildings. thermal comfort, design of urban spaces, analysis and mitigation of the local microclimate in order to achieve better environmental quality

She is member of the Unit4 in the the CChure project

Keywords: climate change, comfort outdoor, energy efficiency, urban fluid dynamic

Rosalba D'Onofrio

Associate Professor in Urban Planning at the School of Architecture and Design, University of Camerino. Member of the Italian National Urban Planning Institute (INU).

Her current research focuses on the relationship between urban planning, urban sustainability, climate change, urban health and quality of life.

Rosalba is the principal investigator in the Research Program FAR 2018- University of Camerino, “Climate change and urban health resilience- CCUHRE”.

Keywords: urban health resilience; climate change and community; urban scenarios; mobile crowdsensing.

Piera Di Martino

Piera Di Martino is Associate Professor in Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Camerino (Italy). She is Unit leader in 7 H2020 European projects.

She is involved in improvement of wellbeing of patients affected by several diseases, such as cancer, dementia, and osteoarthritis.

Within the CChure project she is consultant within the WP 2.

Keywords: Health, Wellbeing, Nanomaterials, Drugs bioavailability

Zoran Djukanovic

Associate Professor of Participatory Urban Design, Housing, Urban History and Public Art & Public Space at University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Urbanism, Belgrade, Serbia.

Initiator, founder and leader of the international, interdisciplinary research Program “Public Art and Public Space”. Within the CChure project she is part of the Communication and dissemination team.

Within the CChure project he is a component-member of Unit 4.

Keywords: Participation, Urban Design, Public Art, Placemaking

Francesca Gioffrè

Francesca Giofrè, PhD, Associate Professor of Technology of Architecture, Department Planning Design Technology of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Her research mainly interest focus on: innovation in design process, it concerns the process’s building, the focus is placed on studying and crafting new tools helping the operators of the building process in the decision-making; innovation in construction process, it concerns project realization, the buildable project represents the tool which allows the client to reach the planned objectives; design for all, It concerns health and social buildings and their environments.

• She is member of the CChure project in unit 4.

Keywords: Design Process, Healthy Building, Healthy Environment

Iolanda Grappasonni

Iolanda Grappasonni is Associate Professor in Hygiene and Public Health at the School of Medicinal and Health Products, University of Camerino (Italy). Director of the Mineral water laboratory (ILAC-ACCREDIA Accreditation), and Responsible for the Mesothelioma Registry for the Marche region.

Epidemiology, environmental monitoring, consequences of natural disasters and quality of life of involved people, represent the subjects more studied. Research is oriented to study risk behaviors to identify suitable preventive programs.

Within the CChure project she is the WP 2 Unit leader.

Keywords: epidemiology, quality of life, health education, well-being

Marta Magagnini

Marta is Assistant Professor and scholar of Drawing at the School of Architecture and Design of the University of Camerino.

Her research interests mainly focus on the communicative and semiotic aspects of drawing applied to architectural design, with an interdisciplinary and contaminated approach. Within the CChure project she is part of the Communication and dissemination team.

Keywords: communication, drawing

Leonardo Mostarda

He is Associate Professor at Computer Science department at Camerino University, Italy. He has cooperated on the CUSPIS FP6 project to design and implement novel security protocols and secure geo tags for works of art authentication. In 2007 he was Research Associate at the Computing Department, Distributed System and Policy Group, Imperial College London . In 2010 he was Senior Lecturer at Middlesex University in the Distributed Systems and Networking Department. He funded the SSI LAB that performs basic research in various aspects of the design, implementation, analysis, and evaluation of distributed systems. He is also CEO of the BilancioCO2zero spinoff, an innovative company for building energy efficient solutions and reducing CO2 emission.

Within the CChure project he is a member of the unit working on wp3 activities.

Keywords: IoT, Distributed Systems, Wireless sensor networks, Cybersecurity

Federica Ottone

Federica Ottone is Associate Professor in Environmental Design at the School of Architecture and Design “Eduardo Vittoria” of the University of Camerino (Italy). She is the Deputy Director of the same school.

The research activities is applied on aspects of environmental design and sustainability. She participated in numerous international conferences on the theme of urban regeneration. Research moved towards the study of relationships between point-like interventions aimed at energy savings and at the environmental well-being (urban agopuncture), and planning on the urban scale, identifying the possibility of realizing concrete interventions, even with the direct participation of citizens.

She is member of the CChure project

Keywords: climate change, urban regeneration, urban agopuncture, urban open spaces

Piera Pellegrino

Piera Pellegrino, architect, postgraduate studies in Urban Planning in Public Administration and PhD in Urban and Regional Planning.

Her research mainly interest focus on: role of the cultural landscape in urban and sustainability planning; tools for environmental and seismic risk; actions and strategies for adaptation to climate change; urban well-being, quality of life and issues related to healthy city theme.

She is member of the CChure project.

Keywords: Sustainability and Environmental planning, Urban Regeneration, Climate Change, Urban Health

Enrica Petrucci

Enrica is Associate Professor in Architectonical Restoration at the School of Architecture and Design “E.Vittoria”, University of Camerino (Italy).

Her research interests mainly focus on Conservation and Valorization of the Historic Centers and Architectonical Heritage with an interdisciplinary approach. She participated in numerous international conferences on the theme of Historical Heritage Conservation and Enhancement.

Within the CChure project she is Component of the Research UNIT 5 and collaborator of the the Communication and dissemination team

Keywords: Heritage, Identity, Resilience, Valorization.

Mariano Pierantozzi

Professor of high school in Liceo Classico in Ascoli Piceno. His current research focuses on the thermal comfort indoor or outdoor, use of artificial intelligence for the calculation of physical properties such as thermal conductivity, study if new refrigerants and mixtures for the reduction of pollutions.

Mariano got a scholarship in the Research Program FAR 2018- University of Camerino, “Climate change and urban health resilience- CCUHRE”.

Keywords: Climate change, Artificial intelligence, Mathematical Modeling, Statistical analysis.

Roberto Ruggiero

Roberto is Researcher Professor in the field of Technology of Architecture at the School of Architecture and Design of the University of Camerino.

His research interests mainly focus on innovative building system and processes. Within the CChure project he is team leader of Unit 4.

Benedetta Ruggeri

Benedetta is an MD, PhD and MiMS, working in Public Health (Azienda Sanitaria Unica Regionale Marche, Area Vasta 5, Clinical Governance and Risk Management). Her sector of disciplinary action is Public Health, Clinical Governance. She’s engaged in healthcare topics and clinical research studies.

Her research fields and interests are focused on clinical research publication (oncology and palliative care, surgery, health technology assessment, risk management, clinical governance, epidemiology, medical statistic)

In the Cchure project, she is Advisor of Azienda Sanitaria Unica Regionale ASUR- Area Vasta 5 Ascoli Piceno San Benedetto del Tronto

Keywords: clinical governance, healthcare, public health, clinical research

Elio Trusiani

Associate professor of Urban Planning at Univesity of Camerino, lecturer at Specialisation School of "Cultural Heritage and Landscape" of Sapienza University of Rome.

His field of research are urban regeneration, cultural heritage and landscape planning. Inside Urban Regeneration, last topic of investigation is the relationship between climate change, quality life and urban health. Emerging regions and countries with limited resources are two geographical areas of his applied investigation

Keywords: urban regeneration; climate change; urban health comunication