


Maci, Stefania Maria. Evidential verbs in the genre of medical posters. A corpus-based analysis. Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN 978-3-0343-4521-7


English Tourism Discourse. Insights into the professional, promotional and digital language of tourism. Milan: Hoepli. ISBN 978-88-203-9942-9.


The MS Digby 133 Mary Magdalene. Beyond scribal practices: language, discourse, values and attitudes. Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN 978-3-0343-3256-9.


Tourism Discourse: Professional, Promotional and Digital voices. Genova: ECIG ISBN 9788875442880.


The Language of Tourism. Bergamo, CELSB. ISBN 9788889804193.


The Linguistic Design of Mary Magdalene. Bergamo, CELSB. ISBN 9788889804131.

Edited Volumes


Maci, Stefania Maria; Sala, Michele. Corpus Linguistics and Translation Tools for Digital Humanities. Research Methods and Applications. London: Bloomsbury. ISBN: 9781350275225




Maci, Stefania; Sala, Michele (eds.) Representing and redefining specialised knowledge: variety in LSP (CERLIS SERIES 8). ISBN:978-88-97253-03-7.


Maci, Stefania M.  / Sala, Michele  / Godnič Vičič, Šarolta (eds). The language of tourism. Special issue of Scripta Manent. 12/1. 


Gotti, Maurizio / Maci, Stefania M. / Sala, Michele (eds) Ways of Seeing, Ways of Being. Representing the Voices of Tourism, Bern, Peter Lang. ISBN 978-30-34330-33-6



Maci Stefania M. / Sala Michele (eds). Genre Variation in Academic Communication. Emerging Disciplinary Trends. Bergamo, CELSB. ISBN 9788889804223. 


Giannoni, Davide S. / Maci, Stefania M. (eds) 2008. Identity Traits in English Academic Discourse. Special Issue of Linguistica e Filologia. ISSN 15946517

Journal Articles


Maci, Stefania M. “Living-with-dying”: the elderly’s language of terminal illness Working with Older People (vol. ahead-of-print) ISSN: 1366-3666




Maci, Stefania M. Perception or Perspective? Adjusting the representation of Italy and the UK for the tourist: the Made in Italy and This is Great Britain campaigns. Cultus, 9/1: 23-48. ISSN:2035-3111


Maci, Stefania M. ‘For Your Eyes Only’: How Museum Walltexts Communicate East and West. The Case of the Peggy Guggenheim Foundation. Languages Cultures Mediation, 2/1: 135-155. ISSN 2421-0293.


Maci, Stefania M. “What Does He Think This Is? The Court of Human Rights or the United Nations?”. (Plain) Language in the Written Memories of Arbitral Proceedings: A Cross-Cultural Case Study. European Journal of Law Reform, 16/3: 572-596. ISSN 1387‐2370.


Maci, Stefania M. Popularizing scientific discourse for an academic audience: the case of Nobel lectures. Token, 2: 45-74. ISSN 2299-5900



Maci, Stefania M. The web-language of tourism. Linguistica e Filologia, 25: 41-65. ISSN 15946517



Maci, Stefania M. The role of the metrical and rhyme pattern in Mary Magdalene. Linguistica e Filologia, 18: 147-167. ISSN 15946517


Maci, Stefania M. Present Indicative plural forms in some plays of the Bodleian MSS Digby 133. Linguistica e Filologia, 16:  55-78. ISSN 15946517


Maci, Stefania M. The Language of Mary Magdalene of the Bodleian MS Digby 133. Linguistica e Filologia, 10: 105-139. ISSN 1594651.

Book Chapters


Maci, Stefania Maria ; Giardini, Claudio; Zanetti, Vittorio. 2023. il processo di formazione dei docenti. l’esperienza del presidio della qualità dell’Università degli studi di Bergamo. In Lotti, Antonella; Bracco, Fabrizio; Carnasciali, Maria Maddalena; Crea, Gloria; Garbarino, Sara; Rossi, Micaela; Rui, Marina; Scellato, Erika (eds). Faculty Development. La via italiana. Genova: Genova University Press, pp. 213-229





Stefania M. Maci, Réka R. Jablonkai, Marek Łukasik, Sophiko Daraselia, Daniel Knuchel. DISAMBIGUATING NEAR SYNONYMS IN MEDICAL DISCOURSE. A multilayered corpus analysis of disease, illness and sickness in the British National Corpus. In: Baldry, Anthony; Bianchi, Francesca; Loiacono, Anna (eds.) Representing and Redefining Specialised Knowledge: Medical Discourse, pp. 127-150. ISBN: 978-88-8305-153-1. Available at 


Maci, Stefania Maria / Morzenti Pellegrini, Remo / Porta, Flavio. Didattica innovativa, best practice e tecnologia nell'era smart: l'esempio dell'Università degli Studi di Bergamo. In Caldirola Elena / Pirlo Giuseppe (eds). La formazione nell'era delle smart cities: esperienze e orizzonti, Bologna: Cisalpino, pp: 55-66. ISBN: 9788820511043, doi: 10.12894/1096



Maci, Stefania M. A framework for medical poster multimodal analysis: a pilot study. In Daniele, Franca & Garzone, Giuliana (ed),  Communicating Science, Popularizing Science, FrancoAngeli Editore, pp. 49-71. ISBN 9788820412425.









Maci, Stefania M. And there she was. an urban angel. Made not born – A Case Study in Advertising Persuasion. In Jottini, Laura / Del Lungo, Gabriella / Douthwaite, John (eds). Cityscapes: Islands of the Self. Language Studies. Vol. 2. Cagliari: CUEC, pp. 359-374. ISBN 9788884673947.


Maci, Stefania M. When was Mary Magdalene set afeyr? The phonological representation of ME ī in some Norfolk Plays of the 15th century. In Bertacca, Antonio: Historical Linguistic Studies of Spoken English. Papers read at the 11th Italian Conference on the History of the English language (Pisa, 5-7 June 2003). Pisa: Plus Edizioni, pp. 63-78. ISBN 8884923212.

Forthcoming publications


1.     Maci, S.M. (ed) Forthcoming. LSP teacher professional development: challenges in the post-pandemic era. Special issue of Scripta Manent

2.     Milizia, D. Maci, S.M., Catenaccio, P. (eds). Forthcoming. Crisis discourses. Lingue, Culture, Mediazione /Languages, Cultures, Mediations. Winter Special issue

3.     Zummo, M. Maci, S.M. (eds.) Forthcoming. Computer-mediated communication in class Fostering access to digital mediascapes. TTMC (Translation and Translaguaging in Multilingual Context) Special Issue 10 (1).

4.     Maci, S.M.; Demata, M.; Seargent, P.; McGlashan, M. (eds). Forthcoming. The Routledge Handbook of Discourse and Disinformation. London: Routledge

5.     Maci, S.M.; McGlashan, M. (eds) Forthcoming. New Norms and new Normalities. Approaches to (Critical) Discourse Analysis. Bern: Peter Lang

6.     Milizia, D. & Maci, S.M. (eds) Forthcoming. Discourse(s) in challenging times. Iperstoria Journal of American and English Studies Special issue.


1.     Maci, S.M.; Abbiate, S. (forthcoming) “It’s never about #ProLife, it’s about punishment, hate, and religious repression.”  Polarising Discourses and Disinformation in the Abortion Debate on Twitter. In Maci, S.M.; Demata, M.; Seargent, P.; McGlashan, M. (eds) forthcoming. The Routledge Handbook of Discourse and Disinformation. London: Routledge

2. Maci, S.M.; Demata, M.; Seargent, P.; McGlashan, M. (forthcoming). Introduction: Studying the discourses of disinformation. In Maci, Demata, Seargent, McGlashan (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Discourse and Disinformation. London: Routledge

3. Zummo, M. Maci, S.M. (forthcoming). Introduction. In Zummo, M. Maci, S.M. (eds) forthcoming. Computer-mediated communication in class Fostering access to digital mediascapes. TTMC (Translation and Translaguaging in Multilingual Context) Special Issue 10 (1).

4. Maci, S.M.; McGlashan, M. (forthcoming). Introduction. In Maci, S.M.; McGlashan, M. (eds) forthcoming. New norms and new Normalities. Approaches to (Critical) Discourse Analysis. Bern: Peter Lang

5. Milizia, D. Maci, S.M., Catenaccio, P. Forthcoming. Introduction. In Milizia, D. Maci, S.M., Catenaccio, P. (eds). Crisis disocurses. Lingue, Culture, Mediazione /Languages, Cultures, Mediations. Winter Special issue

6. Milizia, D. & Maci, S.M. Forthcoming. Introduction. In Milizia, D. & Maci, S.M. (eds) Special issue of Iperstoria. Journal of American and English Studies

7. Maci, S.M. (ed) Forthcoming. Introduction. In Maci, S.M. (ed) Forthcoming. LSP teacher professional development: challenges in the post-pandemic era. Special issue of Scripta Manent

8. Maci, S.M. (forthcoming) “stop . mansplaining . my . rights . to . me .” #mansplaining on Twitter. A pilot study. In Vigo, F. & Venuti, M. (eds.) Forthcoming. TITLE TO BE DECIDED Bern: Peter Lang
