The AIIA Society

The AIIA Society 2019

President: Giacomo Scarascia Mugnozza - University of Bari

Vice President: Giuseppe Giordano - University of Palermo

The Italian Society of Agricultural Engineering (AIIA) was founded in 1959, as a national association belonging to the Commission Internationale du GĂ©nie Rural (CIGR). AIIA adheres to the CIGR in all its direct and indirect forms and represents it nationally. AIIA also adheres to the European Society of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng), a European member of the CIGR. Furthermore AIIA, along with other scientific societies pertaining to the agricultural, forestry, agro-industrial and environmental sectors, it is part of the Italian Society of Agricultural Scientific Societies (AISSA).

The Italian Society of Agricultural Engineering coordinates and develops initiatives in the field of agricultural engineering, i.e. those scientific and technical disciplines related to engineering works applied to the development of agricultural and forestry systems, favouring the exchange of experiences and research results among sector scholars. AIIA promotes initiatives involving application of engineering principles to the processes that govern territorial phenomena in order to study, model and enhance biological systems for a sustainable development of agriculture, food production, land use and environment safety. AIIA is particularly active in networking between scholars and experts in the various sectors of agricultural engineering and biosystems, with reference to research, innovation, development, technology transfer and training.

AIIA periodically promotes and organizes, also together with other entities and associations, conferences, seminars and meetings involving stakeholders, public and private, with the aim of facilitating the encounter of research and training, innovation and development demand, and to promote the creation and dissemination of new knowledge in the sector.

In particular, the Italian Society of Agricultural Engineering pursues the following aims:

  • bring its technical and scientific contribution to questions of general interest in the field of Agricultural Engineering;
  • foster relations between scholars and operators dedicated to Agricultural Engineering;
  • promote the development of Agricultural Engineering in its various branches;
  • encourage, coordinate and perform - also on behalf of third parties - research in the field of Agricultural Engineering, also by setting up specific centres;
  • encourage the training of technicians specialized in Agricultural Engineering by means of teaching courses, scholarships and similar facilities;
  • promote activities and events for dealing with historical and cultural issues concerning Agricultural Engineering;
  • promote and maintain connections with similar Italian and foreign institutions;
  • promote study events for dealing with issues and problems of a scientific and technical nature relevant to Agricultural Engineering.

The Journal of Agricultural Engineering, an international journal with peer review, is the official organ of the Association.

Members of AIIA are professors and researchers who are part of the main groups active in research and training in the sector in Italy at Universities and Research Institutes, and other scholars and experts, technicians, professionals, companies, institutes and university departments, public bodies and private.

AIIA (Italian Society of Agricultural Engineering)

Via Venafro, 5, 00159 ROMA (RM)

Phone: +39 06 40860027, Fax: +39 06 4076264