Propozim Tema Bachelor

Titujt punues (ne Anglisht)

  1. Excess molar volumes and deviations in refractive indices for binary and ternary mixtures containing ethanol, benzene, and pyridine;

  2. Excess molar volumes and deviations in viscosity at 298.15 K and 0.1 MPa for binary and ternary mixtures containing ethanol, benzene, and pyridine;

  3. Study of physical properties of binary liquid mixtures of ethanol, 1-propanol, or 1-butanol with toluene at six temperatures and atmospheric pressure;

  4. Study of physical properties of binary liquid mixtures of ethanol, 1-propanol, or 1-butanol with aniline at six temperatures and atmospheric pressure;

  5. Study of physical properties of binary liquid mixtures of ethanol, 1-propanol, or 1-butanol with pyridine at various temperatures and atmospheric pressure;

  6. Study of densities and speeds of sound in the binary liquid mixtures of toluene with some secondary alcohols at 298.15 K and atmospheric pressure;

Pjesa eksperimentale e ketyre temave do te realizohen ne Laboratorin Nr.6 te Departamentit te Fizikes. Ka mundesi te studjohen te gjitha llojet e perzierjeve te lengeta (binare, ternare, etj.) joelektrolitike perberesit e te cilave nuk bashkeveprojne ndermjet veti per te krijuar ndonje substance te ngurte. Lab.6 i ka te gjitha kushtet per pergaditjen dhe strehimin e mostrave. Laboratori posedon digistor, si dhe pajisje mbrojtese (maska, doreza, syze mbrojtese, etj.)

Laboratori posedon peshore analitike me precizitet deri 0.1mg;

Madhesite fizike te cilat mund te maten jane:

  • Densiteti (me precizitet 0.005 kg/m3)

  • Shpejtesia e zerit (me precizitet 0.5 m/s)

  • Viskoziteti kinematik (me precizitet ~0.002 mm2/s)

  • Indeski i thyerjes (me precizitet 0.0002 njesi)

  • Kendi i rrotullimit optik (per lengje te cilat shfaqin nje te tille)

Nga madhesite e matura mund te llogariten nje numer i madh i parametrave te ketyre perzierjeve, te cilat japin informacione te rendesishme per llojet e bashkeveprimeve ndermjet perberesve te perzierjeve. Madhesite e nxjerra jane (ne anglisht):

  • Excess molar volume

  • Free volume

  • Adiabatic compressibility

  • Molar refraction

  • Intermolecular free length

  • Specific acoustic impedance

  • Internal pressure, etj.