User Guide

USER GUIDE: How to navigate the Acceleration Plan and optimize its use

1. Assessment

The assessment phase asks, "Where do I stand and what is my country context?" The UNFPA Country Office will need to gather data on the country's family planning context and current programme. This work begins the planning process and ensures that it is contextually appropriate. 

Identify structural barriers to family planning

Use available, reliable data to update or develop an assessment of the socioeconomic and political context for family planning.

Identify and describe current approaches

List the current/recent approaches used in programmes for family planning by UNFPA as well as partners such as government health services, private services and international and local NGOs.

Identify gaps and opportunities

Use the available checklist to review all areas where critical action is needed for your context and identify implementation gaps.

—Recognize areas where further investment is required 

—Consider the need for shifts and expansion of approaches 

—Assess the areas where UNFPA should lead, and where collaboration and partnership will be sought

2. Acceleration

The acceleration section asks, "What can I do to accelerate progress for family planning?" The team reflects on their family planning programme context, needs and gaps. The team looks at the priority actions, which are essential to ensuring effective delivery of family planning, and considers whether or not they are appropriate to the country context. The team seeks to determine if all of the priority actions are being addressed either by UNFPA or by partners. For guidance on HOW to address the priority actions, the team reviews the programmatic options. To search and cross-reference ideas, use the Menu Tool of Programmatic Options

Prioritize actions in the acceleration plan

Identify programmatic options

3. Considerations

This section seeks to ensure the programme chosen is implementable in the UNFPA Country Office context. Key considerations related to capacities, finances, partnerships and risks are to be considered. Once programmatic activities have been selected, a clear accountability plan, informed by validated indicators need to be established in the programme results framework. 

Refine selection of POs based on programming considerations

Select the programmatic options considering context appropriateness, feasibility of implementation (e.g. resources available, funding, expertise, etc.) and alignment with national priorities.

4. Accountability

The new Acceleration Plan for the country will need close monitoring and evaluation for accountability. Include, when possible, indicators suggested for each priority action in the Results Framework of the country programme. For examples, see the Suggested Indicators for Measurement.

Select indicators for the programmatic options (monitoring and evaluation)

5. Resources

All phases of the process are informed by the reference tools and materials listed in Section 5.