Accommodation & Travel Information

From Santiago de Chile, there are several options to get to La Serena.


From airport Arturo Merino Benitez, Santiago de Chile to airport La Serena. Duration: 45 min.


Some lines are:  Ciktur, Romani, Condor, Turbus, Pullman Bus, Flixbus

In this webpage these lines are listed and can be booked comparing times and prices. 

Approximate duration: 6hrs

Rent a Car

Highways in Chile are in good conditions and safe. At the International airport, there are several options to rent a car.  The indication is, from Santiago, reach from your location to the Route 5 North, which goes directly to La Serena. Duration: 5hrs.

Accommodation options

Hotels, apartments and hostel lists can be found in Booking and Airbnb links below. Please check the options with good reviews and the characteristics and prices that suits you the best.

Accommodation in Booking web page

Accommodation in Airbnb web page