About the TPSR Alliance

Don Hellison developed the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model (TPSR) through his work with kids in Portland and Chicago. Throughout his 40+ years career, Don developed a network of youth development professionals, students, and academics who have used TPSR and similar values-based strategies to connect with kids through sports and physical activity. The TPSR Alliance was established in 2008 to share research, ideas, plans, application and evaluation of the TPSR model.

A recent special feature in the JOPERD journal described the TPSR Alliance as a community of practice. In the article reference below, Tom Martinek and Don Hellison reflect on the alliance and share their thoughts on its future.

Martinek, T. J. and Hellison, D. (2016). TPSR: Past, present, and future. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. 87(5), 31-36.

For more information on the TPSR Alliance, visit the website at http://www.tpsr-alliance.org/.

Dr. Don Hellison