
In order of appearance. The actors have included their take on their characters.

Gary Harris-Evan

Evan is a Parole Officer who cares deeply about his parolees because he's walked in their shoes and wants to help them, but it's not a good idea to get on his bad side. He loves his job and the feeling of helping people get their lives back. While he sees the best in everyone, even gangbangers and racists, he will not tolerate disrespect.

Colin Smith-Jason

Jason is probably the most daunting character I have taken on. He is loud, obnoxious, doesn't think before he speaks, and can be very inappropriate, however what I like about him most is that aside from all those things, he has a really good heart and means well. He loves his family and friends, and takes his life day by day. He appreciates the subtleties in life and enjoys living in the moment. For those reasons, I am really excited to craft this character and bring him to life.

Andre Otabor-Chris

Chris, is a smart young man with a lot of potential with an intense desire to be more than what he is. However, he constantly finds himself surrounded by people that are content with their lives, as things start to change for the worst, he makes a horrible life-altering decision that destroys the life he once had.

Chris Donovan-Stan

Stan is caught up between his past and present. He identifies with a community brought up to believe that things will get better while at the same time his experiences have led him to have the foresight to see the writing on the wall and that might be time to move on.

Marcus Jackson-Oscar

Oscar has wanted nothing more than to be able to provide for his biological family and to be a part of the Olstead family, but no matter how hard he tries to ingratiate himself into the group all he’s ever gonna be to them is an outsider. He is observant and wise for his age, but he is still a child when it comes to handling his emotions, especially as the play goes on and those microaggressions just keep eating away at him. He has been a respectable young gentleman for most of his life, but he’s learning that sometimes unsavory decisions need to be made in order to get by.

Libby Otos-Tracey

Tracey has grown accustomed to an America that no longer exists, where factory towns supported generation after generation of factory workers and unions negotiated strong wages. She is nostalgic for a time when “…if you worked with your hands people respected you for it. It was a gift.” In her fear and anger she destroys her closest relationships by blaming others rather than facing the stark reality that times have changed, she’s older, and she’s totally unprepared to survive in the new American workforce.

Willa Bost-Cynthia

Cynthia has dreams and hopes. She is loyal, but not to a fault, and compassionate. Deciding that her destination would not determine her destiny was a factor in her unapologetic quest to create a better life for herself and her family.

" You don't know what it's like to walk in my shoes. I've absorbed a lotta shit over the years.."- Cynthia Act 2 Scene 3

Yuliya Donovan-Jessie

Jessie, once a free and joy filled spirit, is trying desperately to get back the life she thought she built for herself after all of the friends, family and stability she has are pulled out from under her. Now drowning at the bottom of a bottle, she struggles to find her corner in the world knowing she has been betrayed and lied to by the systems that raised her. Lost and alone, she becomes the worst version of herself she never imagined possible.

Julius Smith-Brucie

Brucie is a man trying to find is way. He knows now that he doesn’t have everything figured out after thinking for so long that he had all the answers. His confidence comes second to none but when life happens differently then planned things get a bit out of hand and he finds himself out of rhythm. Struggling with addiction strains the relationships he has, especially with his family. He is just trying to navigate through life’s curve balls. He’s smooth like butter but we all know butter can still burn.