
UNCG doctoral students focused on mathematics education:

  • engage in systematic inquiry related to the teaching and learning of mathematics at the preK-12 levels
  • work with faculty who focus on supporting prospective and practicing teachers in using children's thinking to create instructional environments that promote the conceptual learning of mathematics for every student
  • collaborate with education professionals in schools and professional development settings
  • participate in professional mathematics education communities
  • develop the necessary knowledge and skills to obtain either practitioner positions or researcher/teacher educator positions at universities

Program Goals

The goal of this program is to support individuals developing the knowledge and skills needed for teaching, scholarship, professional service, and leadership in mathematics education. Graduates will:

  • be well-versed in the existing knowledge base related to mathematics teaching and learning at the preK-12 levels
  • know how to advance the knowledge base through research and scholarly inquiry
  • know how to improve the practice of teaching by supporting the learning of prospective and practicing teachers
  • be able to influence educational policy at local, state, and national levels
  • be committed to empowering every child with mathematical understanding
  • understand and appreciate children's (as opposed to adults') mathematical thinking and the critical role it can play in improving instruction
  • value collaborative partnerships with teachers, researchers, and other educational professionals

Interested in Applying?

Please contact Dr. Vicki Jacobs (vrjacobs@uncg.edu) to set up an appointment with the mathematics education faculty prior to applying.

Click here for details about how to apply to the program.