Recruiting Students

We Have Great Students!

UNCG’s LIS students are not just in Greensboro or even just in North Carolina. We are an international program, offered primarily online in a predominantly synchronous format. We encourage our students to actively search for a site to do their Practicum/Capstone, so some will search for you without you needing to do anything.

However, recruiting our students can help them more easily find you. You can do this in a number of different ways:

  • The Practicum Liaison, Sonia Archer-Capuzzo (, can keep your institution on file and share it with students in your area on a one-on-one basis.
  • The Practicum Liaison can forward an e-mail call for volunteers to our student listserv.
  • You can fill out our Google form to submit a “job ad” for a specific volunteer opportunity, which we will share on our departmental jobs board.
  • You can send the Practicum Liaison your “job ad” to share on the jobs board.

If a student approaches you about a practicum or capstone field experience, ask whether they have spoken with the Practicum Liaison yet. UNCG faculty can help you and the student design a great experience, but only if we know what’s going on.

Make sure students are aware of your hours of operation, any forms you require they fill out (in addition to our paperwork), and any procedures you plan to follow (e.g., if student workers are required to work in multiple library departments as part of the practicum).