During the Practicum/Capstone

Our students are learning to be information professionals. The tasks you assign them should be what you’d require of your employees with an MLIS or equivalent degree.

The UNCG Library and Information Science (LIS) department is here to support you and your student volunteer. Please feel free to reach out to the Practicum Liaison (smarcher@uncg.edu) with questions or concerns at any time. While the practicum or capstone is in progress, the student will have a UNCG MLIS faculty member who is assigned to oversee the course. That person(s) changes each semester. If you are unsure of who to contact, contact the Practicum Liaison, who can refer you to the best person(s) to answer your questions or provide assistance.

Mentoring Our Students


Consider having at least one formal check-in around the mid-point of the practicum to assess progress and determine if changes need to be made. We also recommend an early check-in around the fourth week of the practicum. Check-ins can be done with the student alone or with the student and the UNCG faculty member(s) teaching the practicum or capstone course.


If you already have training materials on hand that you use for new employees, consider using them as is or in a revised version to help practicum students get started.

Training can involve everything from online modules to shadowing various library employees to completing tasks in the library that are then evaluated. As the student gains knowledge, skills, and confidence, consider giving them more autonomy and freedom.

Completing the Practicum/Capstone

For the Practicum and Capstone, you are encouraged to complete an evaluation of the student at the end of the semester. This is important for the professor(s) grading the student and for the student, who will have access to your comments to help them continue to improve and grow in their chosen profession.

You can also incorporate your own exit requirements for the student into their Practicum/Capstone. Some ideas:

  • An informal exit interview with the student and their site supervisor
  • A formal exit interview with several employees present
  • A formal interview presentation, during which the student talks about the project(s) they completed