
English | Portuguese

I believe education should prepare students to become competent in their fields and also active agents in the world. For this reason, classrooms can be creative spaces for learning. I use dialogue to nurture students’ critical thinking abilities. Debates, problem-posing, and hands-on engagement with digital media are some of my primary teaching strategies.

My commitment to teaching excellence prompted me to seek courses and workshops on topics such as college communication, online learning, digital literacies, and pedagogy, among others. I am an alumna of two nationally recognized professional development programs – Preparing the Professoriate (PTP) and Certificate of Accomplishment in Teaching (CoAT).

My dedication goes beyond the classroom, and I had the chance to mentor some of my learners. I also actively engage in debates about education in the 21st century. I join these conversations mainly through conferences and networks of scholars, such as the Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory (HASTAC).