Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission Information

Please follow the links below to submit your abstract for the AISC 2022 conference. Please note that abstract submission is no guarantee that your talk will be scheduled in the program. All abstracts will be reviewed by the conference organizing committee before talks are scheduled.

Normal abstract submission deadline is September 7. We are extending it to September 20. Abstracts submitted between September 21 - 30 will be considered only if a prior approval has been secured from Dr. Sat Gupta (sngupta@uncg.edu) and the person submitting the abstract is ready to complete the conference registration. These abstracts, if approved, will appear in the digital version of the Book of Abstracts but may not find a place in the Print Version.

Please try to limit your abstract to 500 words or less.

To submit your abstract, visit: https://forms.gle/y3M5Px64wrz9fZdG9