This event has been postponed until Fall 2022.
Updates will be made on this page as information becomes available.

Thanks for your interest in the Literacy for All Symposium. We are currently working to reschedule the event originally scheduled for April 5, 2022.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the postponement and will update this page when the new date has been scheduled.

Please contact Kellan Fitzgerald at with questions.

Following evidence-based instructional practices promotes equity and lays the foundation for learning and civic engagement. Learn how the science of reading impacts literacy success at the Literacy for All Symposium.

Join us for a day of dynamic keynote presentations from Drs. Tracy White-Weeden and Antonio Fierro as well as a panel discussion to raise the collective discourse on the science of reading in the Carolinas.

Who Should Attend: District administrators, Curriculum Directors, Literacy Leaders, and Elementary Principals


UNC Charlotte Cone University Center

9025 University Road

Charlotte, NC 28223

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