Project Overview

Program Background

From January 2023 through December 2023 Dogwood Health Trust funded 12 organizations, located throughout Western North Carolina, to address chronic disease in their communities.

Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC) worked with the 12 Dogwood Health Trust funded organizations to increase readiness, skills, and organizational capacity to transition CHW programing from a telehealth and COVID 19 pandemic focus to a community-based chronic disease management program. 

The MAHEC team developed a technical assistance process that used an improvement approach tailored to each organization. They provided training and support directly to CHWs from the funded organizations that increased their skills and supported their growth through resource newsletters and regular trainings, on topics such as: chronic disease overviews, CHW roles and responsibilities, and motivational interviewing. MAHEC also provided organizational & leadership support through monthly one-on-one technical assistance (TA) sessions and discussion of CHWs roles and responsibilities within their organization, and facilitated connections between funded organizations to promote peer learning opportunities. MAHEC administered assessments of organizational readiness, skills, and capacity throughout the grant period and used results to design future TA  and training offerings. Additionally, MAHEC worked with partners to develop and collect reports to capture data and to ensure that clients received support services that met their needs. 

MAHEC partnered with the North Carolina Center for Health and Wellness (NCCHW) Culture of Results Initiative to complete an evaluation of the program from January 2023 through December 2023. Culture of Results (CoR) is an independent training and evaluation initiative that supports assessment, planning, evaluation and improvement processes of communities and programs across North Carolina. Additionally, the COR team partnered with UNC Asheville faculty and Asheville Buncombe Institute for Parity Achievement (ABIPA) to lead a team of Community Researchers (CRs) in supporting aspects of the data collection and analysis for this project.

Evaluation Methods

From January 2023 through December 2023 the Culture of Results Team, in partnership with MAHEC and the Community Research Team, conducted a program evaluation to better understand how the work of Community Health Workers imbedded in 12 Dogwood Health funded organizations is a unique and vital part of the WNC health care landscape.

A collaborative, mixed methods approach was used and consisted of the following steps:

Participating CHW Organizations

Asheville Buncombe Institute of Parity Achievement

Centro Unido Latino Americano

Blue Ridge Health

Care Reach

YMCA of Western North Carolina

YMCA of Asheville

Hola Carolina

Mountain Community Health Partners



Jordan Peer Recovery

High Country Community Health