Prevention of Sexual Exploitation & Abuse

Everyone deserves to live a life free from abuse.

Domestic abuse is an epidemic affecting millions of people around the world, and one that takes many forms. From physical and sexual abuse, to controlling and coercive behaviour that isolates victims from their families, victims are often unaware they are being abused, or scared of seeking help.

Have you been a victim of sexual exploitation or abuse?

Bright Sky

Bright Sky is a free app which provides support and information to anyone who may be in an abusive relationship or those concerned about someone they know. Using geolocation, the app provides information on support services available in South Africa, including a directory of police stations, hospitals and NGOs across the country. Bright Sky serves as a resource for friends and family with loved ones suffering from such abuse, ensuring that they are better empowered to help. The app does not share anyone’s personal details and ensures the complete privacy of its users.

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